Chapter 24

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An impressive city of grand marble buildings, fountains and baths, where in between the patches of sunlight, aristocrats reclined in the shade.

Small standard houses, all at right angles with narrow lanes in between, populated by scampering rats and small children.

Long roads, bridges and steps filled with people on their daily commute, women carrying baskets, old bearded men, soldiers and messengers from far away lands, on horseback and carrying wax tablets or manuscripts.

And in the middle of it all was The Arena.

"Let's go there!" said Ted and everyone knew exactly where he was talking about.

"The Colosseum" breathed Ray, in wonder "I've seen pictures of it on postcards and stuff, but never like's just.. wow" he shook his head in wonder.

"We'll come on then" said the Doctor running ahead "what are you waiting for?"

They all hurried after him, joining the throngs of highly Roman citizens entering the Colosseum. Receiving shouts of dismay as Rose and Mikey enthusiastically pushed past to get the best seats.

"Hey is there like a popcorn vendor anywhere here?" Asked Bill looking around the crowded arena.

"Nah we're in Ancient Rome dude whadya think" Ted rolled his eyes until he suddenly caught sight of an old man in a scruffy toga selling what looked to be small bags of...


"Is that really popcorn?" Ray asked discreetly, once the teens had run off to the vendor.

"Of course not, it's Ancient Rome. Probably some sort of roasted dormouse snack" said the Doctor casually.


Ray looked back and noticed that Frank and Gerard were lingering at a pillar. Frank still looked grumpy, half a cigarette hanging out his mouth. Gerard stood nearby, twisting his hands together nervously.

"Leave them" the Doctor's voice said quietly from beside him "they have a lot to talk about"

Ray soon forgot about warped tour and Frank and Gerard, as he settled into his seat next to Mikey. He could hear the murmuring of anticipation from all around the arena.

"Yo dudes!" Bill and Ted shoved through and sat next to them, clutching a small waxpaper bag.

"We got popcorrrn" Bill waved it around and Ray caught a waft of dead dormouse.

"Yum yum" he said, edging away from them.

Suddenly the crowd turned and began to clap and cheer. Ray looked to that direction to see a middle aged man in a purple toga, surrounded by body guards, approaching a large and important looking booth with the best view of the arena.

"The Emperor!" he gasped.

The Emperor waved courteously at his citizens as he was helped to his seat. Then he gave a thumbs up and the gladiators entered the battle ground...

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