Chapter 2

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"Omg omg" thought the doctor, his heart pumping in his chest "that was the best fucking night of my life"

He was standing outside the Pavilion, half an hour later, leaning against a wall and watching the gangs of emo teens disperse.

"Rose would have loved this" thinking of rose made him feel guilty about his thoughts about the lead singer for some reason, so he stopped.

"I think that went pretty well right Frank" came a familiar voice from the backstage door and the doctor gasped to see the band coming out, still covered in sweat and beaming.

Gerard noticed his starry eyes and grinned, "you want an autograph?"

The doctor nodded enthusiastically, unable to form any words.

"You guys..." he began as Gerard signed his sonic screwdriver "You guys were out of this world!!"

The band all laughed happily at his words. "That means a lot" said Gerard "Being in this band... it's just incredible, I mean I know it's not the most important job in the world, we're not like doctors or anything but-"

"I'm the doctor" said the doctor

"You're a doctor?" Asked Gerard "Woah thats amaz-"

"No, I'm THE doctor" the doctor explained proudly.

"Heheh, not just any old Doctor this guy, Gerard" chirped the up short guitarist.

"That's right" he told them "I'm a time lord"

"A what now?" laughed the curly hair guitarist.

"A t i m e l o r d" repeated the Doctor slowly.

"Whats-" he began but then the bassist interrupted.

"Yeah, a timelord! Like in my comic!" He excitedly flipped through an old comic he was carrying.

The band rolled there eyes

"Mikeyyyy no one cares about your dumb comic book" sighed Frank.

"Yeah, grow up bro" said Gerard.

"Shut up" said Mikey "Found it!"

He held up a page for the Doctor to see. He was pointing to a panel of a man wearing a long scarf, stepping out of a police box behind him were a girl and a robot dog, it looked like they were stepping onto another planet.

The caption read "The timelord stepped out onto planet Zonk and looked around"

"See! see!" Yelled Mikey excitedly "It says time lord!!"

"Jesus Mikey" Gerard cringed "it's a comic, stop being so embarrassing"

"It's not real dude" sighed Ray

"Well actually-" the Doctor blushed as the band turned to face him, jaw dropped.

"I hate to admit it, but Mikeys right..."

The rest of the band gasped.

"I KNEW IT" Mikey gloated, waving his comic at them.

"You mean... you're actually a timelord?" Ray asked wonderingly at him.

The doctor nodded bashfully.

"So like, you have a space ship? Like in the picture?" Gerard asked, slightly skepticaly.

"Yeah, it's called the tardis" explained the Doctor "it stands for Time And Relative Dimension-"

"Bullshit" Interupted Frank.

The doctor and the rest of the band stared at him.

"Pardon?" Asked the doctor sharply.

"It's not real" he looked at the band "this guy is full of baloney, how are you believing him?"

"Frankie!" Exclaimed Gerard "Don't say that!"

"It's okay" sighed the Doctor "I'm used to people not believing in me"

He began to cry and Gerard put his arm around the timelord and glared at Frank

"Now look what you've done!" He seethed.

Frank looked on with jealousy

"Gee-" he began.

"I don't want to hear it Frank" snapped Gerard

"Yeah, you've said enough" added Ray

"Yeah Frank you loser!" Piped up Mikey

"SHUT UP MIKEY" Screamed everyone.

Then Gerard, Ray, Mikey and the Doctor left, leaving Frank standing on his own.

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