Chapter 19

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When the song was over the audience erupted into mad cheers and whoops, as My Chemical Romance headed backstage.

"THAT WAS AMAZING" Said the Doctor, hugging Gerard "What happened to 'just very close friends'?" he murmured.

"Shup man" laughed Gerard, shoving him.

"That was most triumphant dude!" Exclaimed Ted, high fiving everyone.

"See, I told you you'd be fine!" Said Rose, giving Mikey a relieved hug.

As they left backstage they were hounded by an onslaught of rabid fans. Pulling at their clothes, crying their names, trying to get an autograph.

"Run" said the Doctor, pulling them out of the crowd.

He grabbed Gerard's hand who grabbed Frank's tshirt who grasped both Ray and Mikey's arms. Mikey was gripping one of Rose's hands while she pulled along Bill with the other, Bill's fingers firmly grasping Ted's. And they ran.

They ran like the wind, away from the fans and down the sunny suburban neighbourhoods of California. Until they arrived at last at the Tardis.

The Doctor stopped suddenly outside of the blue box, Gerard crashed into him, causing a domino effect of collisions.




They stumbled all over each other, ending up in a messy, giggling, heap on the ground.

"Uhm so" began the Doctor once they'd all regained themselves slightly, 

he turned to face Bill and Ted "this is might seem pretty mad to you two but.... we're time travelers..."

Bill and Ted took one look at each other then burst into laughter.

"So are we dude!"

"You.....what???" The Doctor gaped at them, looking absolutely dumbfounded.

"Are you having a laugh?" Asked Rose, gobsmacked.

"Uh like yah dude!" Said Ted

Rose raised heeyebrows quizzically

"Uh I mean no?"

"We like know like a guy called Rufus who like gave us like a box that can like go to like different times" explained Bill helpfully

"Like totally man" Said Ted

"I'm sorry..." the Doctor raised a finger "you mean... there's another time lord out there?? So I'm not the only one??" He gasped

"Uhh like I don't know about 'lord' but Rufus can time travel dude!"

Bill and Ted seemed oblivious to the Doctor and his companions jaw-dropped and goggle-eyed faces.

"Our box is like also a phone box so yahh" Bill yawned, clearly tiring of the conversation "Anyway dude, can we like see in your box or what"

"S-surre" the Doctor stuttered, reaching for the door.

"I mean, stands to reason there would be more than one of you" Gerard shrugged, coming up behind the time lord as he pulled open the wooden blue door.

"No it-" the Doctor turned back to face him

"It wouldn't. I haven't told you or Frank this but Mikey and Ray know from what the Krankiek said- I'm... I'm the last of my kind"

Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"At least I thought I was..." he said shakily "until now..."

Gerard put a hand on the timelord's skinny arm and gave him a reassuring smile. The Doctor smiled back weakly, then pushed open the Tardis door

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