Chapter 26

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"But how- what- I - I don't understand?!" Ray shook his head in disbelief as the Minotaur mauled the red feathered gladiator to death.

"What is it??" Asked Rose, Mikey nodded.

"It's got dude legs and like a bull head" explained Bill helpfully

"ITS A MINOTAUR DUDES!" Exclaimed Ted who was a bit slow

"But Minotaurs aren't real, are they Doctor?" Mikey asked

"Of course they're not real" said Rose "they're probably just... aliens or something?"

"Y-yeahh" the Doctor spoke up "yup, that's probably what they are! Well done Rose" he tried to scan the creature with his screwdriver "If only I could get closer"

"Oh my god" Ray sighed.

"Have you gone mad?!" exclaimed Rose "That things a flipping death machine!"

"It's a danger," said the Doctor "We have to stop it!"

"It's not hurting anyone except for the gladiators" said Mikey "anyway it's entertainment for them" he gestured to the crowd of cheering romans

"Well it shouldn't be hurting anyone at all" said the Doctor "entertainment or not"

"It doesn't want to hurt them" said Ray quietly

"What?" They all turned to look at him

"Take a closer look" he said

They did. The Minotaur had almost completely killed the red feathered gladiator, but not for fun. He was eating him, carving out his insides with long ragged horns. Attached to the Minotaurs ankle was a heavy metal shakle, connected by a long chain to the cage. They suddenly noticed how skinny the Minotaur looked, under all his hair you could see the outline of his bones.

"He's starving" gasped Mikey

"This is cruel" said Rose "Who finds this entertaining?"

"Uhh not me" lied Ted, spitting out his chewed door mouse.

"Ew" said Mikey

"What a minute" Ray looked around "where's the Doctor?"

"He was here a minute ago" said Rose standing up confusedly.

"THERE!" Cried Bill, pointing into the arena.

The Doctor had jumped in and was approaching the Minotaur.

"NO!" They all shouted.

"Waiiitt" Ray jumped up and chased after him, bounding down the steps and over the barrier.

Suddenly the adrenaline drained out of him as he realised where he was. Ray and the Doctor stood, statue still, face to face with the beast.

The Minotaur sniffed the air, then stood up and slowly approached them.

"AAAAAAAAAAA" yelled Ray


They both stood petrified, screaming in the face of this horrifying monster. The Minotaur just stared at them confusedly.

They heard the bloodthirsty cheers of the crowd all around them, chanting


Ray looked around for an escape, but saw none. They were trapped in the arena with a hungry Minotaur and two dead gladiators.

The Doctor waved his screwdriver around, as if that would help. Ray closed his eyes, wishing that it was all a dream. None of it seemed real. Maybe he would open them to find himself in bed, in a motel after a show. Mikey on the bed next to him and Frank and Gerard in the other room.

He slowly opened his eyes to find the minotaurs mouth inches away from his face.

The creature's terrible tusks glistened in the sunlight.

"Terrible tusks..." Ray seemed to remember a childhood tale he had been told.

"He had terrible teeth" he gazed mesmerised at the Minotaur's great yellowing canines "and terrible claws" he continued

"Terrible tusks on his terrible jaws..."

"RAY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Yelled the distant voice of the Doctor

"He has knobbly knees and turned out toes. And a poisonous wart on the end of his nose. His eyes are orange. His tongue is black. He has purple prickles all over his back..."

The Minotaur's mouth was now completely around Ray's hypnotised head.

"Oh help, oh no" Ray's voice echoed down the creatures throat

"It's the.... GRUFFALOOOO!!!" Ray screamed as his head was bitten into by the Minotaur.

(A.N. this chapter got silly and now rays dead. Sorry I actually don't know where this thing is going. I'll post more often when I'm done all my exams. Lolololllololol)

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