Chapter 7

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Frank collapsed on the ground once they were in, his hair was wet with sweat and his face flushed scarlet.

"Frankie..!" Gerard grasped hold of Franks hands, then pulled away quickly "Ow!"

"Whatsamatter?" Cried Ray

Gerard's hands were red hot from Franks touch, and welts were starting to form.

"G- gerard..." Frank gasped "It burns.. please-"

He began coughing up smoke.

"Nooo nonono" said Gerard frantically "do something Doctor!"

"He's being burnt alive from the inside!" Exclaimed the Doctor desperately "soon he'll be like the leerie, just an empty shell full of fire"

"NO!" Cried Gerard "Please fuck no that can't happen!"

"Water!" Exclaimed Mikey

"Mikey shut up this isn't the time for your dumb dehydration!" Yelled Gerard

"No, water! Frank needs to drink water! To put it out!"


"Mikey you're a genius!" Exclaimed Ray "I could kiss you!"

"Uh I won't though" said Ray blushing when Mikey gave him a weird look.


"It's worth a try!" Said the Doctor helpfully "I don't have any though, try the Thames!"

He opened the tardis door cautiously. He held his breath, there was no whistling.

"We're safe" he whispered.

"Good" said Gerard, pulling a flaming Frank out of the tardis by his hoodie sleeves.

The others followed.

"Quick! Where's the Thames?"

The Doctor pointed them in the direction and they were off.

The moment they left the Doctor jumped into action.

"The leerie the leerie" he mumbled

Looking around and scanning the area with he screwdriver.

Suddenly he heard an erupt of applause from the concert venue and a couple youngsters headed out the doors.

They looked to be only about seven or eight, street urchins, most likely orphans. The Doctor didn't pay them any mind at first, then they walked past the streetlight.

"Oh no. Oh no!" He whispered.

The fire leapt from the streetlight and seemingly disappeared but the Doctor knew better.

He sprinted over to the urchins, who were now writhing on the ground, their insides being burnt out.

They were only small and it wouldn't be long before they were completely possessed by the fire. Already their eyes had become red flames.

"What do I do! what do I do!" He cried pointing his screwdriver at them in every setting he could think of.

The Thames was too far away to drag them there.

"What do you usually do with small pavement fires?" He asked himself.

Stomp on them? He looked uncertainly at the children but thought that might kill them.

"Smother them!" He exclaimed.

He took off his trench coat and threw it down over the urchins. It covered them completely, and steam soon rose up.

He took it off, the flames were no more! The two children lay, dazed and confused on the cobblestones. They had just had half their insides frazzled after all.

The elder of the two awoke, his eyes were back to normal now, his eyebrows had been burnt off though.

He hopped up onto his feet and looked curiously at the doctor as he shook the other awake.

" 'ello mister" said the other one, jumping up. He tipped his cap at the Doctor, then they both scrambled away.

The Doctor sighed shakily, picking up his slightly burnt trench coat.

"I need to put out those streetlights" he thought.

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