Chapter 11 Broken Promise

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Okay this chapter isn't so bloody but it still contains blood so it's still not good fo' da kids! Then again this entire story isn't good for kids xD there won't be anything cruel like chapter 10 but there will be more blood, action and the bad language is gonna get worse so if you don't like that stuff this story isn't for you :) but if you're like me and like that stuff then woohoo! High five! ;D Be prepared readers, cuz there's much more on the way! 

Okay now on with the story :P

~ Amber


Jack began to panic. He didn't know what to do. Blood continued to seep from her wounds, she wasn't breathing and she had no pulse. This was not good.  

"Light!" He called. In response, light transformed into a wolf, but much smaller than the last time he saw it. 

"Light, w-what do I do? S-s-she has no pulse, she's not breathing, she's losing blood fast-"  

Light jumped to Friendly's arm where most of the damage was. The white wolf whimpered sadly then put it's front paws on Friendly's chest.  

Jack knew what Light meant. He immediately began to pump his hands down on her chest, then he held her head up, opened her mouth and breathed into her. He waited for her chest to go down before repeating it.  

He continued to pump his hands on her chest and breathe into her mouth for what seemed like an eternity, but she still wasn't breathing. 

"Come on, Ghosty, breathe!" He growled. "Breathe!

Friendly remained still. Jack ran his hands through his hair, accidentally smearing his white locks with blood. He began to hyperventilate in panic, tears slowly falling from his cheeks. 

"Dammit..." He whimpered. He closed his eyes tightly and punched the wall with a yell of sadness and frustration. He covered his face with his hands and sank down the wall. He began to sob into his hands, grinding his teeth together.  

Light gently nudged his arm with its nose. Jack looked at Light sadly, his eyes red and swollen. He shook his head and Light began to whimper. It ran over to Friendly and began to sniff and nudge her face with it's small white nose. It gave a loud whimper into her ear. Nothing. It tried again, only this time much louder. It sounded like a choir of small voices.  

Jack watched with curiosity. he began to think - if Light was part of Friendly then why was it still alive? Then his eyes widened when he saw her finger twitch. He skid over to her and placed his fingers to her neck. He grimaced before performing CPR again. He continued until he felt her cough. He jerked his head back as she took a big gulp of air. Then she did it again. And again. And again. She was breathing. 

Jack gave a small laugh, showing his relief. "Thank god..." He sighed. But he didn't rest there. He needed to stop the bleeding somehow.  

Light knew what Jack was thinking and tugged at the hem of Friendly's dress. Jack understood and began to tear strips from the bottom of it. Friendly was going to kill him for this but he had to stop the bleeding somehow.  

He began to tightly wrap the strips around her arm and leg. Blood immediately began to seep through it but the bleeding was slowing down. He had ripped off pretty much half of her dress. He was relieved she was wearing black shorts beneath it.  

Once her wounds were tightly wrapped up he picked up his staff before picking Friendly up bridal style. As soon as she was safe in his arms he took off into the air. The wind wrapped itself around them in its embrace and took them to the North Pole as fast as it could.  

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