Eleanor's knee bobbed up and down nervously as she sat on her couch. She didn't know why she was freaking out, she was an adult, she didn't see what the problem was with her wanting to date a guy, who her older brother happen to not like. Bradley was still in the Gulf of Mexico but would be home in a few days and had told her that he wanted to come and visit since he had some leave. So she knew that he was going to find out about what was going on between her and Jake and she couldn't help but wonder what his reaction would be. He wouldn't do anything to Jake.
She thought back to that night from a few weeks ago. They had made out for at least another hour, but that was as far as it got. Jake made sure to lay down the fact that he was a gentleman and didn't want to take advantage of her. Eleanor just wished he had laid her down instead. But they eventually ended up falling asleep together on her couch watching a Disney movie.
Then he told her that he wanted to take her on a proper first date since they didn't really have an official date that night. So Jake formally asked her out and they had an adorable first date. Like a true Southern gentleman, Jake found the only country bar close by and saw it fit to take her swing dancing.
Eleanor had never been but she enjoyed it. She had never had as much fun as she did that night. Jake knew how to dance and taught Eleanor quite a few moves. After they had danced the night away, they found a 24-hour diner and ate breakfast food, even though it was almost three in the morning by the time they made it to the diner. They may or may not have spent part of the night making out in his truck on a dock.
When Torie found out about Jake and met him, she approved rather quickly. Her finding out was a story in itself. The morning after that horrible blind date with Mr. Air Force, Torie thought it would be a good idea to surprise Eleanor with breakfast as a way of saying sorry to her best friend.
What Torie was not expecting to find was Eleanor asleep on the couch with a guy she did not recognize. She had let herself in since she had a key and found the couple still asleep. They were quickly awoken by Torie's screech of excitement. To say Eleanor was embarrassed was an understatement. Torie decided to spend the entirety of breakfast grilling Jake about his intentions with her best friend.
By the end of the conversation and breakfast, Torie was satisfied and told Jake he was lucky. According to her, there were very few who received her approval when it came to Eleanor. While she was certainly embarrassed, Eleanor knew her best friend meant well.
Jake had left not too long after they finished breakfast. He had some training exercises to run later in the day, but he exchanged numbers with Eleanor, promising to call her later. As soon as he walked out the door, Torie screeched loud enough for Jake to hear from where he still stood outside in the hallway. He let out a chuckle before heading for his truck.
"Eleanor Bradshaw, details now!" She demanded.
Eleanor was covering her face in embarrassment. "Torie, you realize he probably just heard your banshee scream, right?" Eleanor pointed out.
Torie waved her hand off. "If this man is going to be in your life, I guarantee that he is going to have to get used to my antics, you know that," she replied, "now tell me how you went from feeling down last night about things going horrible with Beck to ending up back at your apartment with him."
A heavy sigh left Eleanor but she told Torie everything about how she knew him from the wedding in Florida and how he was just reassigned to the naval base close by. Then she told her about how Jake was the one who saved her from Beck's wrath, which Torie was quick to praise. Then she said how they came back to her place and all that they had talked about and the pictures and dancing and then how it ended with them making out.

Anchor ⚓︎ Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
أدب الهواةEleanor Bradshaw was always seen as a ray of light to her mom and older brother following Goose's untimely death. She always connected instantly with those around her. One such person happened to be Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, much to her older brother...