Chapter 11: Together At Last

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Chapter 11:

"He climbed in your window? How the hell did he do that?" Avery asked skeptically as she walked over to the window and peered out.

"Seriously? Out of that entire story the only thing you're worried about is how he climbed up the side of my house!?" I snapped.

"But dude that's totally amazing there's no hand holds what so ever!" She exclaimed and laughed before coming back and plopping down on my bed next to me. I fell over dramatically and groaned into a pillow. "Look you're only 17 for three more weeks, it's not that long." She said, trying to reason with me.

"Three weeks to long." I said into the pillow.

"The only thing that should matter is if you like him or not." She said.

"I still don't know..." I sighed, leaning up and against the head board of my bed.

"What? Whether you like him or not or if this is a good idea?" She asked in confusion.

"Both." I muttered.

"What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of him?" She asked quietly. I looked at her in confusion then thought about it. A small smile touched my lips as I thought about how happy I am when I'm with him and how safe I feel. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me, protectively.

"How does it feel when he touches you?"

Flash backs from the night before and time before that drifted through my mind. The way he gently cups my cheek, the sensation of his lips on mine and moving down my neck, taking my breath away. I felt a blush come over my face as I thought and goose bumps rise on my skin again. Avery said nothing. She let me finish with my thoughts but when I was done and finally looked to her again she was smiling knowingly.

"Well that's settled." She said, allowing me to define my own conclusion. "Now, even though everyone else tells you it's wrong, how does it feel to you?" She asked. I turned to my thoughts again and she squeezed my knee encouragingly.

"When I'm with him I feel like I finally belong." I said, allowing her into my thought process. "I feel like nothing can ever hurt me again and I never want to leave." I looked up at her again for guidance and she was smiling again.

"I think the choice is more obvious than you think. I won't tell you what to do but by the way you smile when you think of him and how you blush and get goose bumps, it all means you like him, maybe even more than you're willing to admit."

There was a knock at my bedroom door and suddenly my mom's head popped in.

"Hey girls." She smiled warmly, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I made lunch for you." We nodded,

"Thanks mom, we'll be down in a minute." I said. When I was sure she was gone I turned back to Avery.

"Let's go get some lunch, my work here is done." She smiled and went to the door. I hesitated for a moment but realized she was right. I have to do what's right for me and what's right for me would be to follow my heart and hope neither of us get hurt.

Decision made, I followed her down stairs and got some food then plopped down in front of the TV with mom. We chit chatted and laughed through the ads but when the show my mom had been watching came back Avery and I became eerily quiet. It was a crime show about a 14 year old girl who fell in love with a 20 year old friend her brother had gone to high school with. At first they saw each other in secret but her mom eventually found out and when he refused to stop seeing her the mother pressed charges. But before he could go to jail, the girl and the guy had run away together to Mexico and they didn't catch him and return her home until she was 18.

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