Chapter 7 (part 2): Fireflies

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Chapter 7 (part 2):

"This party is starting to get boring." Moaned Jack as the party started to slow down. The few of us who were left were laying around lazily on tables and chairs, still clutching to our red solo cups.

The boys from All Time Low arrived late and still had energy in them even when the rest of us were ready to pass the fuck out. It was 2am and I worried if mom knew I was out so late but kept telling myself it was okay cause she was on night shift and wouldn't be home until late morning.

Avery and I had found the pool table a comfy spot to rest and were watching Kellin and Alex trying to play pool around us. Alex was attempting to line up his shot but Avery kept taking the ball and spinning it playfully on the table, trying to throw off his game but he just laughed.

"Don't worry, I brought something to kick the fun back up." Someone said, cockiness in their voice. Suddenly Vic and Mike started walking around with glow sticks and glow jewelry. Mike stopped at each girl and helped dress them in glow things with a smile.

"Here's the game." Oli Sykes said, clearing his voice and throwing cups on the floor so he could stand on the living room table. "Hide and go seek, in the woods behind the apartment. Taggers have blue glow sticks and runners have orange." Avery grinned at me seeing as I had gotten orange and she had blue.

"Each time you get tagged you remove a piece of clothing." Alan chipped in with a grin. That's when I looked around the room and noticed it was mostly girls who had gotten orange.

"Can I switch to orange?" Avery asked playfully, making some of the people around us laugh.

"We can switch." I instantly said.

"No no, no need for that, we can accommodate all." Josh Franceschi said and stepped forward to switch Avery's color with a grin. I rolled my eyes, there is no way I'm doing this.

Suddenly a spark of energy flew throughout the room and everyone started putting their drinks down and running outside. I looked around helplessly for Austin as a savior from this but couldn't find him anywhere amongst the crowd.

"Come on!" Avery yelled in excitement, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside. She noticed my reluctancy and frowned. "Dude, let go and live a little. It's just a stupid game, and played in the dark no less so no one will see you and everyone is drunk so no one will remember." I nodded, she was right but I still found it hard and frightening to let go of my innobitions.

The air was moist and cool, making the night comfortable and nice to be in. The ground was grassy and mossy upon entering the forest and Avery promptly stripped out of her shoes and went running off into the darkness. All around blue and orange lights were buzzing through the forest like fire flies. Some running madly and wildly for no reason, others tackling each other and some right on the heels of others. It was a beautiful sight to see and at first I got lost in it but my trance was broken as two strong arms wrapped around me.

"Run." Whispered a dark husky voice I couldn't recognize. My heart pounded and my senses were oddly thrilled at the thought of this game of chase suddenly.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins and a smile spread to my lips as I took off into the night. I ran hard and fast, weaving between the trees endlessly and for a few moments lost track of the man in blue behind me. I skidded to a stop, bending over to catch my breath.

"Boo!" He whispered, creeping around a tree. I screamed and jumped in surprise which also counted as a doge when he jumped at me and missed. I stumbled back over fallen branches and took off again only to find myself pinned to a tree minutes later.

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