Chapter 18: Happy Birthday

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Chapter 18:

"Good morning beautiful."

"Austin?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"No, Avery, the person you've been staying with for the past week." She chuckled and my eyes finally focused on her laying in the bed next to mine.

"Happy 18th birthday!" Her mom cheered suddenly bursting in with a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon. "Nothing is better than breakfast in bed so we figured we'd surprise you."

"Aww, how cute! Thank you." I said, looking down at my smiley face pancakes. "Want some?" I offered Avery but she shook her head.

"I would eat but I kinda attacked the can of whipped cream earlier and I have a date later so I gotta look good." Avery purred after her mom left.

"I just realized I missed what was suppose to be my first date with Austin last Saturday." I sighed.

"You haven't called him at all since the day you got here and I don't think that conversation ended to well, maybe you should focus on just talking again, I know you miss him." She said.

"Is it even possible to miss someone so much yet still be a little angry with them? Cause I swear I think I'm broken, I don't do this emotional thing well." I sighed. She laughed,

"Yes, it is possible. I've felt the same way about Jamie a couple times, he really knows how to piss me off but I love him." She smiled, thinking of him. "You're a teenager so your hormones are still crazy, 18 isn't an exception."

"Legally I'm an adult now so I wish it was." I giggled.

"Give him a call." She urged. Then went into the bathroom to get dressed.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't really loved it here. For some reason no outside drama could penetrate my life here, even when it did come in I just shrugged it off. This week had been so relaxing and filled with girly pampering and stuff that I really needed and gossiping and shopping. Usually I wasn't the girly type but I was starting to see why girls loved this stuff so much.

The only conversations I had been having with the boys was when I occasionally texted Alan back. He texted me a every so often just to check in which was sweet of him. I had also gotten a couple texts from Rory, probably at Alan or Austin's prompting but I never really got around to answering.

"Wanna hang out?" Asked a text from Rory I had gotten earlier this morning.

"No thanks, I have some things I gotta take care of today. Sorry I haven't been replying, been busy." I sent back.

"It's alright, I've been busy to." She sent.

"I saw a little about a trial going on on the news, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it sucks facing my step father again but I have to." She said.

"Daddy troubles too? Lets start a club lol." I sent.

I had recently learned that Rory had met Vic and had come to stay with PTV because of a friend who connected them. Before she had been staying with that friend because he had saved her from an attempt on her life. A murder attempt spear headed by her step father and now they were going to trial.

"Lol I'm down. How you holding up? The boys are kinda worried about you." She said.

"I'm actually really good, this has been the most relaxing week of my life and it couldn't have come at a better time."

"Oh? That's good." She said.

"Yeah, doing girly, hang out, relaxing kinda stuff." I said.

"I wish I could have a week of that, this has been a week from hell for me but hopefully it'll all end soon, today if it all goes well." She said.

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