Chapter 3: A Helping Hug

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Author's Note:

Sorry in advanced for the sad chapter. It actually depressed me to write it and I had to stop writing for a while lol. I want to take a quick minute to explain something you'll see in this chapter, I used a comparison to show that what she really is thinking is the opposite of what she says says a lot and so you'll see her talk in quotes ( " ") but then you'll also see (' ') when it's only one colon that shows her thoughts so no she isn't crazy, she doesn't talk to herself (only I'm allowed to do that here!) or have a multi personality disorder, it's just my way of conveying what she is thinking so I hope this clears up any possible confusion there may be. But despite all that I hope y'all like it! :)

Chapter 3:

"So don't you wanna talk about it?" I looked up from my desk to see my mom leaning in my doorway, streaks of the morning sun crossing her face from the open window.

"Not really." I said turning back to my drawing. My intentions were a flower but instead it was taking human shape.

"You can't bottle everything up honey, it's not good for you." She said, worry crossing her eyes.

"I talked everything out yesterday with a friend, so I'm good." I explained.

"Hayley is your friend..." She said in confusion. The fact I have little friends.. Or only one.. is common knowledge.

"No, no she isn't. I met someone yesterday and I talked to them."

"Okay, fine, talk to a random stranger but not your own mother!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

"If it helps I knew who he was before I went yesterday." Her face lit up.

"Friend from school?" She prodded with a smile.

"Umm no."

"Okay, where do you know him from then?" She asked.

'A band.'

"Umm actually I forgot, I did meet him at school. He was a couple grades ahead though so you know, kinda forgot, but he was at warped yesterday.. It was his final celebration before he.. moved away."

"Aww, I'm sorry your friend left, I would have loved to meet him." She said with a pouty face.

'Oh yeah, you would have loved him..'

"Yeah, it's a shame, you would've liked him." I said with a false smile. Since dad, she has been super protective so if I told her my "friend" was really a rock n roll singer she would have flipped.

"So you sure you're okay?" She asked, taking up her worried, parental tone again.

"Yeah, completely."

'Can you pull the knife out of my back please? It keeps twisting.'

I smiled, "everything is great mom, In fact I'm gonna go hang out at the mall a little." She nodded,

"That's good to hear."

'Im dying inside.'

"Have fun." She said with a smile, backing out and shutting the door. I shakily stood up and fell back into bed and stared up at the roof for a moment then closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I thought I was past this but when she brought it up again, keeping from breaking down right in front of her was all I could do. She was already so stressed and pushed to the brink by her job that I didn't need to become another problem. I was a strong, mature young woman who could handle her own problems. My eyes trailed down from the white roof and down the wall to my many posters. My gaze fixed on the Of Mice and Men one and I couldn't help but laugh to myself, 'I can't believe I didn't even recognize him until he put his name in my phone.' I thought.

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