Chapter 8: The War Begins

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Chapter 8:

"I kinda need some help with a school assignment, think you could help?" I texted Austin early Saturday morning. I threw my phone down on the pillow and laid across my bed with a sigh, not expecting a reply for a while since it was so early.

First period I had music class and we had to do a project somehow related to music. We were given no guide lines, only that we had to be able to present something to the class two weeks from now that was educational and music related.

My phone buzzed but it was just a twitter update from Avery.

"Boring Saturday, anyone wanna hang?" It read. I would have replied yes but I really needed to wrap my brain around this project today.

I got up and got dressed in ripped blue denim shorts and a light, loose, cream colored sweater that hung off my shoulders with a skeleton on it then I did my lazy day, natural look make up and clipped my curls to hang down over one shoulder. After retrieving an apple from the kitchen I headed back to my room and flopped down again on my purple bed with my lap top. I scrolled through tumblr absentmindedly for a while getting some giggles from the random posts when my phone buzzed again.

"Umm..sure, Depends on what it is I guess." Austin wrote.

"I have to make a music related project to present to my first period class two weeks from now but I don't know what to do." I typed back.

"Umm.. singer for successful rock N roll band right here. <--" he said.

"I know that, that's why I'm asking you! Lol."

"You could interview me." Suddenly I felt like slapping myself, why hadn't I thought of that?

"Idk why I didn't think of that lol." I typed.

"It's to early to be thinking that's why lol, why are you up before the sun?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same." I said.

"I'm up because thats what friends do. :)"

"Oh shit! Sorry for waking you up! Lol."

"No problem, come over later and I'll help you out."

"K thanks."


"Welcome back." Austin greeted as he opened the door to let me in. After he gave me a ride last time I realized it wasn't that far away from my house so I had walked this time.

"Hey." I greeted as I stepped in. I looked around as we sat at the little coffee table in the sitting area and finally was able to get a good look at his apartment, clean and without a mass of people.

"The guys had stuff to do so they left but Kellin in coming over later." Austin said. I nodded.

"Okay, I don't mind." I said. "So how should we start this?"

"Well, most interviews start with questions." He said with a chuckle. I blushed at my stupidity. He noticed how uncomfortable I was and tried to help. "You just need a focus for your questions like a journalism story. Figure out the story you hope to tell then form questions around that." He said. I pulled a note pad and pencil out of my bag and curled up on the couch, nervously tapping my pencil against the page as I thought. I thought about going funny like a Bryan Stars interview but it had been done before and I needed to keep this clean for school.

Then I thought about asking what touring life is like but figured that has also been done before. Suddenly my thoughts took a helpful turn. What if I interviewed him about low points in life that fans go through but don't know how to deal with. Everyone has had low points in life but not everyone can handle it so maybe this could be inspiring.

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