Chapter 14: Three Little Words

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Good luck keepin' up with this chapter. The point of view changes more then my mood on a bad day lol (jk) but seriously it switches from Evan to Alan to Evan to Alan to Austin, so good luck!

Chapter 14:

"Where are you? It's been an hour!" Avery texted me.

"I'm two blocks down from your house, please help me." I sent back. I had collapsed to the ground a while ago, unable to keep moving. I felt bruised all over and I couldn't put any weight on my right ankle and my head was killing me. I leaned into the street lamp next to me and just wanted to cry from the pain. A few minutes later Avery came running down the side walk.

"Oh my god! Evan what happened!?" She cried and she crouched next to me.

"I was trying to sneak out my window but ended up falling instead." I moaned.

"Can you stand?" She asked. I nodded and she helped me back to my feet. I put my arm around her shoulder and leaned heavily on her as we hobbled our way to her house. "Mom!" She screamed as she laid me on the couch.

"Shh!! Don't call your mom into this!" I growled.

"What's wrong Avery?" The tall, slender woman with long, pencil straight black hair asked, sauntering into the room. "Oh my gosh! Evan? What happened?" Avery's mom asked.

"Long story." I moaned. Her mom ran to the kitchen and came back with a first aid kit.

"Your face is all bloody dear." She murmured, wiping my face with a wet cloth Avery had gotten.

"That's probably cause it caught my fall." I moaned.

"Where did you fall from?" She asked.

"My window."

"Your mom is a nurse, why didn't you go to her for help?" She asked softly.

"Cause I fell when I was trying to get away from her. Please don't tell her I'm here." I pleaded.

"I won't for now. Right now we need to focus on you getting better, what else is hurt?"

"My head and ankle." I murmured, feeling at ease now. She moved to my ankle and clucked her tongue.

"Oh dear, this looks bad." She said, the color draining from her face. "I think you need to go to the hospital." I sighed and bit my lip, not wanting to go but it hurt so much, that I eventually agreed. They helped me out to their car after cleaning me up as much as they could and started driving to the ER.

"Why were you running from your mom?" Avery asked.

"She was digging to deep, she was going to find out about him. Alan got me back for tagging him earlier by filling mine and her room with Squidgys so she was trying to take my phone and wanted to meet Alan and stuff and I totally freaked out so I left but I had an accident climbing out my window."

"I'll say." Her mom murmured. I jumped forgetting she was here.

"Please don't say anything to my mom." I asked desperately. Avery's mom looked sympathetically at me through the rear view mirror. Her expression was soft and understanding.

"Avery has told me a little about your situation before.." I suddenly froze and looked angrily at Avery. "I was once in the same situation though so I understand how you feel. I started dating Avery's father when I was 16, he was 20 and I was always petrified that my mom would find out. She was kinda like your's, over protective, thought everyone was out to get me, and didn't understand I was capable of handling life on my own. When she found out I did the exact same thing you did, minus the painful accident, and ran."

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