16. Failed Prank

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Sera: "Well what do you think?"

Remi: "That jacket is perfect!"

Sera: "Thanks! Hey look these shoes suit you!"

Remi: "Really? Oh yeah, they look nice..."

Sera: "Try them on!"

Remi: "Alright!..........Oh they're a little big..."

Sera: "I'm sure they have other sizes."

Remi: "Found it, I think this will fit."

Sera: "Oh, yeah those look perfect!"

Remi: "Alright, let's head to the counter, it around 3:30 so we should start heading back."

Sera: "Oh your right...Wait, we have school tomorrow!"

Remi: "I completely forgot! We have to pack and leave tonight then."

Sera: "We should get back soon then."

Remi: "Yeah."

Sera: "Oh also remember to play along with their prank."

Remi: "You think they'll actually do that?"

Sera: "I dunno, they could have realized that we would never fall for that and changed the prank. Either way, we won't fall for it."

Remi: "Obviously!"

All the boys have showered and now John is bandaging his hands.

Blyke: "I still think you shouldn't have gone punching, after knowing that would happen..."

John: "What was I supposed to do? I needed to blow off some steam, and it's not even that big of a deal."

Isen: "Surree, no big deal, your knuckles are just bruised and bleeding..."

Arlo: "Ok they should be back anytime."

John: "Ok, let's go Blyke."

Blyke: "Ok, who's recording?"

John: "Let's just hide our phones around so we can focus and enjoy the prank."

Blyke: "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Arlo: "Ok, so you both hide there and start recording and place one of your phones in there and use the other to text"

John: "Ok let's go."

4:03 PM

*Ding Dong*

Arlo went to answer the door.

Sera: "Hey Arlo!"

Arlo: 'Oh you guys are back!"

Isen: "Hey, Remi!"

Remi: "Hi Isen, what did you do while we were gone?"

Isen: "Oh, we just chilled."

Sera: "Hmm...ok, so have you thought about what we are going to have for dinner?"

Arlo: "Umm...no not yet..."


Blyke: ?

Blyke: Seriosly?!

Arlo: I don't know, maybe they think you guys are upstairs?

Isen: Yeah...


Sera: "Me and Remi will head up and get changed, you guys think of what to have for dinner."

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