13. Jet Skiing

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9:45 AM

They have all gotten ready and are walking to the beach.

Sera: "So where are we heading to get the jet skis?"

John: "The place we saw yesterday."

Remi: "I think I see the place."

She pointed at a jet ski rental that they had seen yesterday.

John: "Yup, that's it."

They all headed over and got their Jet Skis. They started jet skiing.

John*Holding a crab*: "Aaarrlloo"

Arlo: "What do you- What the heck! Put that down!"

John: "HAHAHA!! Nope!"

Sera: "Wow, Arlo. I didn't think you were scared of crabs..."

Isen*terrified*: "He's not the only one..."

John: "You too, Isen? Heheheh...."

John found any other crab and handed it to Sera.

Sera: "Awww...It's adorable..."

John: "You take Arlo, I'll take Isen."

Sera: "Ok, 3...2...1"

John: "Go!"


Blyke: "Really Isen, it's just a crab.🙄"

Isen: "IT'S A CRAB!"

Arlo: "I agree with Isen..."

Sera: "ARLO!"

Arlo: "Seraphina!"

Remi: "Pfft...A-arlo, what blyke said...It's just a crab, they're adorable."

John and Sera continue chasing Arlo and Isen with crabs for a while.

John: "Ok, I'm gonna stop now..."

Isen: "Finally!"

Blyke: "Hey, I got some seaweed for it from that store."

John: "Oh, great! Here!"

John drove the Jet ski towards the shore and Blyke came and took the crab gently and started feeding it dry seaweed. (I just looked this up on google, so it might not be accurate, Please don't take this as advice to feed crabs.)

John: "Hey, Sera. Leave Arlo and come feed it."

Sera: "Oh you got food for it! That's great!"

Arlo: "*Huff* *Huff* John, Seraphina!"

They all continued playing and having fun at the beach, and then at 12:30 PM they decided that they should return the Jet Skis and eat lunch. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I just didn't know what more to add to it.

Please comment if you have any Ideas for future chapters. Thank you for reading!

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