21. Explanations

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Sera: "Alright well, after Spectre took John's ability, my sister was in some trouble cause I kinda beat up my teammates on the mission I was on during the trip. I convinced her that we could fight back, and so we started planning. One day I and John went to a new cafe that opened up, and after we left, one of the high-tiers that work under Orrin, one of the 3 main Spectre executives, tried to kill us..."

Arlo: "What?!"

Remi: "So that's when Kuyo saved you?"

John: "Who?"

Isen: "You know that guy...Kayden I think, he and his friend saved you."

John: "Oh yeah, he mentioned his friend."

Arlo: "How do you guys know about this?"

Blyke: "We'll explain in more detail later, but he came here to talk about something and mentioned that you guys almost died."

Isen: "What exactly happened, like what ability did he have?"

John: "Some sort of water ability, he can use water and ice to fight, and can also become water, making it impossible to do any damage to him."

Remi: "Oh, that seems pretty powerful..."

Sera: "Yeah, it was, at first he was just after me so he knocked John out and tried to drown me, but John woke up and distracted him for a while until he got trapped in that guy's ice. Then he tried drowning John, I got up then and managed to push him out of the way, but then he got us both trapped in his ice. He seemed to be getting impatient and just shot a few large Icecles at us, which just stabbed through us..."

Blyke: "...Ouch, that's why you weren't in school for a while..."

Isen: "How'd you get to where ever you managed to get healed?"

Sera: "Well I got knocked out after that..."

John: "Oh, so after that that ice guy turned his arm into some sort of sword and was about to finish us off, my vision was kinda blurry so I didn't see exactly what happened...but I saw a sword, and I'm pretty sure Kayden's friend fought him off, and since Kayden's ability is teleportation he managed to get us to Sera's sister."

Sera: "She and Doc have been dating, so she called him, and he managed to help."

Arlo: "Wow he's pretty good at healing huh? You two must've been in pretty bad shape..."

John: "Haha...he was so mad..."

Sera: "So after we got healed we decided that my sister could get us an audience with the 3 executives of Spectre, and we would convince them to give mine and johns ability back, and after getting it back we would steal the machine, that way Orrins High-tiers have no power and since we would have gotten our abilities back, we could try and take them down."

Remi: "That's a pretty good plan!"

Isen: "Did your sister convince them?"

Sera: "Yup, she told us this morning."

Blyke: "So when is this meeting?"

John: "I think it's on Sunday."

Arlo: "That's good..."

Remi: "Maybe we could come along?"

Sera and John: "NO!"

Blyke: "Why?"

John: "1. If they find out that you guys are nearby, they will try to disable you too. 2. I didn't lose my ability for nothing! 3. Kayden can barely teleport the 2 of us. 4. We don't want you guys involved cuz Spectre has spies everywhere, for example, Terrence, if they find out the entire plan will be ruined."

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