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their past is cold and empty


real life

"They should be getting off the plane now." Lauren said, looking at the plane ticket information her father sent her.

"How are we gonna handle a week with our parents." Callie sighed dramatically, leaning her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"Easy, Mom Mom." Lauren laughed. Callie agreed and laughed alongside her.

"Well you also have us too." Nick smiled, fidgeting with his fingers to try and calm his anxiety.

"Yeah, you and your anxiety ridden ass." Callie joked, smiling brightly at Nick who mocked a smile in return.

"They're on their way to us now." Lauren said, quickly ending the joking behavior between the two. Callie smiled, excited to see her family again.

"Mommy!" Callie said fondly, hugging her mother with a smile. "How was the flight?"

"Hey baby, it was fine. Do you ever plan to come back home?"

"Actually no, I planned on moving here?"

"Yeah! One less annoying mouth to feed!" Lauren's father exclaimed as he ruffled the brunette's hair.

"Get off of me you old fuck." Callie laughed, pushing the man's hand off of her head. "I never even lived with your stupid old ass anyway."

"Your mother is older than me, so you just called her old by extension."

"My mother will never be old, dick."

"Good to know you guys aren't killing each other." Lauren laughed, walking to hug her father.


Callie ran into the room she'd been staying in and slammed the door. She took a minute to catch her breath before flopping down on the bed. She sighed, flipping over and groaning into her pillow. Callie exhaled deeply, trying to make her flushed face go away.

Even the thought of anything more with Alex makes her go red and get butterflies. She didn't know how she got from shutting boys out, to leading them on with her fake flirting, to meeting someone and flirting with him and the flirting being real and-

The knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts.

"You okay?" Lauren asked, walking in the room and shutting the door behind her.

"Besides just making a fool of myself? Yeah, im fine."

"Cal, you didn't make a fool of yourself."

"I just called him love to him in front of everyone and it was pure instinct and he probably doesn't even mean it back when were fucking fake flirting because that's all it is!" Callie ranted.

"Oh my god you sound like me."

"Yeah except he lives in frickin California and its all a damn lie!" She yelled in frustration. Lauren laughed which made Callie smile and laugh as well. "You are not laughing at me right now!"

"No, no totally not." Lauren continued giggling through her words as she laid down on the bed next to her.

"You dick!" Callie yelled, hitting her with a pillow. Lauren laughed more, grabbing the pillow and yanking it from her.

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