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she wants it more than everything in between


real life

"So, you have another month, right?" Callie asked, scooping the ice cream into her mouth. The pair were finishing off the Saw movies before Gabby had to leave in just a few short hours. Callie was handling it better than expected, to be fair.

"Until I'm shipped off to South Carolina, yeah." Gabby laughed.

"My little amazon package." Callie laughed. Gabby laughed at the joked before letting silence settle between them. The movie played on and Callie just kept her head rested on Gabby's shoulder.

Time slipped by, one minute they had to be at the airport in five hours, and the next they're down to an hour and a half.

"Callie, we're about to get serious, okay?" Gabby said, setting her packed bag down beside the bed and sitting in front of Callie. Callie nodded, looking at her best friend with a sad smile. "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna do such amazing things while i'm gone."

"You're talking to the jobless bitch over here." Callie laughed, trying to keep her tears at bay.

"Callie, you're going to do amazing things. You're gonna fall in love with Alex and it's going to be amazing. You're going to get over your fear of men hurting you because he won't and I know he won't. This is the first guy i have ever approved of genuinely. He's so good for you."

"What the hell am I going to do without you? Nobody knows how to calm me down. Nobody knows half the shit I go through like you. Nobody knows me like you do."

"Alex does. Alex knows how to help. He knows what to do. He may not know you like I do, but he knows enough and he does enough and he'd drop everything for you,m. I know you're scared, but let him in, Cal. Let him all the way in."

"Who am I going to rant to? Who am i gonna call when Im bored? Who am I gonna call when I miss you?"

"You have so many other friends, Callie."

"But they're not you."

"Calliope Renee Tucker, you are my very best friend."

"Even if I can't talk to you, I'll talk about you." Callie said, tears falling down her cheeks at a rapid pace. "You'll forever be my twin flame and my soulmate and my best friend. And I may not be your person but you are mine. You can tell all of the girls you meet at bootcamp that your bisexual best friend who is afraid of men is so fucking jealous."

"I'll tell them all about you, Callie. They'll know it all." Gabby said, wiping her cheeks from the tears slowly making their way down.

"You'll forever be the girl who saved my life."

"Ditto." Gabby said softly, pulling Callie into her arms and holding on tightly. Callie held back just as tightly.



Cal <3 @cals.life.1804
and she's off on her little marine adventure <3

1804and she's off on her little marine adventure <3

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real life

"So this is-"

"A see you later, Callie." Gabby said, cutting Callie off from her statement.

"A see you later." Callie repeated. "I'll miss you until that later."

"Yeah, I'll miss you too." She laughed. "I really hate that you have to drive home alone."

"I'd rather do that then have someone watch me horrendously cry. Because this is so much worse than Alex leaving."

"I know, love."

"I don't know what i'm gonna do without you." Callie sighed, hugging Gabby tightly.

"Same. But you'll send me letters all the time and i'll respond. I love you so much."

"I love you to the moon and to saturn." Callie whispered.

The pair pulled apart and Callie watched her best friend walked deeper into the airport until she wasn't visible any longer.


Callie walked through the door. She knew she looked a wreck, there was no doubt about it. She let the door close on its own and slipped off her shoes. She threw her keys on the island and just ignored the tears still falling down her cheeks.

"Callie?" She heard a voice from next to her.

"You talk to me I cry." Callie whispered, deliberately trying to keep her head down. "And I don't think I can cry anymore, Nick."

"Can I hug you instead?" He asked. Callie heard his footsteps get closer to her slowly. She nodded and immediately felt his arms wrap around her. No words were exchanged, he just hugged her until her body relaxed and her hands were clutching the fabric of his shirt.

Nick picked her up bridal style and walked her to her room. He laid her on the bed and grabbed her phone.

"I'm calling Alex, he'll just sit with you." Nick whispered. She had no energy to fight. The call connected immediately and he smiled sadly at her.

"We're gonna watch the same movie at the same time." Alex said. Nick pulled up the movie Alex had texted him on her tv and she made herself more comfortable in her bed.

Alex kept her company for as long as she needed, even if she was asleep for over half of their phone call.

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