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there's holy ground beneath them


real life

"So, this is where you grew up?" Nick asked, looking around at the soccer fields with a small smile.

"Yeah. Lived here until I was ten then moved to Maryland." Callie breathed, barely able to get the words out.

"How long has it been since you've been here?"

"Like, high school maybe." She said. She swallowed harshly, trying her best to bite back the emotions running through her. "Wanna see my old apartment? I don't think anyone lives there anymore."

"Yeah, sure!" Nick said, acting excited to try and lift her spirits.

They walked back to the car and she drove around the streets she memorized at age seven. Once she was parked outside the lifeless looking building, a feeling of nostalgia rushed over her.

"My sisters and I put our handprints here. This one's mine." She said, pointing at the chipped hand shaped paint on the concrete stair.

"Your hands were so small." Nick said with a laugh.

"Yeah." She said with a breathy laugh. She cleared her throat before walking inside, Nick following behind her like a puppy. She walked up the stairs and in through another door. There were four doors on the floor and she walked to the second one on the left labeled B-22. She knocked softly and sat for a few minutes before walking in. The apartment was completely empty but everything was the same. The yellowed tiled on the kitchen floor, the cigarette burns in the carpet, the discoloration on the walls where they had to fix the holes.

"That's where I did my homework." She said, pointing to the area on the other side of the kitchen. It had a window but the area was open and small. "It was the dining room."

"It seems so small." Nick laughed, his eyes glancing from area to area. They had yet to move beyond the front door space, but she remembers everything. The exact layout of everything. She remembers all the memories, all the good times she had, all the bad times.

"In through here was the living room. My mom when we were little would babysit all of the kids. My stepdad's sister's kids, her kids, our neighbors kids. We'd just all be here. It'd be like seventeen kids all here at once." Callie said, walking through the now open room.

"Oh, and back here was where i had my own room! Then i moved in with both of my sisters because my brother and stepdad moved in. Then they moved out and i moved into this bedroom. And-And this closet was where I always hid for hide and seek." Callie said, feeling the tears well in her eyes. "And back-back here was my moms room and my stepdads room. It's small, but it was home. I'd go over to my neighbors house, we called- we called her Aunty."

"Come here." Nick said, tone soft as he held out his arms. Callie hugged him, her walls breaking. "Why are we really here, Cal?"

"I thought coming back here would fix me. I don't know who I am anymore and I thought this would make me remember. I thought this would help. I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am."

"No need to quote Miranda Lambert here." Nick joked.

"She's right though. I needed this, Nick, and I'm glad I didn't do it alone." She sobbed, gripping onto the fabric of his shirt.

"I'll always be here." He whispered, rubbing a hand up and down her back.




liked by sapnapinsta, quackity, cassidy

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liked by sapnapinsta, quackity, cassidy.laurence, and 257 others
call1e.804 i thought if i could touch this place i'd feel it. this brokenness inside me might start healing.

nyx.tucker you were so cute. what happened?
call1e.804 trauma
nyx.tucker true true

m0rgan.tuck3r look at me in the background. i was so small
call1e.804 and you had a dad
m0rgan.tuck3r COME GET YOUR FUCKING WOMAN quackity

call1e.804 im in pa and omw btw


real life

"This was my elementary school." Callie said, showing Nick the building.

"It's so small!"

"Yeah." She laughed. "My favorite teacher had a seizure in front of me in the music room." Callie said, taking a long sip from her milkshake and hopping on the hood of her car.


"What? Did I never tell you that?" She asked, turning her head to look at him.

"No i think you forgot to mention that!" He exclaimed, looking at Callie like she was crazy.

"Oops. Anyway, let's go. We have my best friend to go visit in Philly."

"Well alright then." He said, shocked at how quickly she changed the topic.

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