
43 1 2

how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen



Cal <3
and when i lose my best friend to bootcamp and my quackity to going back home, i will lose my absolute mind :P

user @user

Dream @dreamwastaken
when you stared at your phone for five minutes trying to figure out what to call quackity and ended up with "my quackity" and still broke the internet
Cal <3
wasn't on purpose, i broke my damn self

Quackity @quackity
your quackity aye?
Cal <3
yeah yeah
Quackity @quackity
well youre my Callie <3
Cal <3
i thought i was your love
Quackity @quackity
you're kinda my everything <3
Cal <3
swooning stfu

Karl @karljacobs
on main too
Cal <3
i dont have a second like you :P
Karl @karljacobs
good point good point


real life

"Alright, Alex and I are going to lunch." Gabby said, poking her head into Callie's room.

"What?" Callie asked, her head shooting up to look at Gabby in her doorway.

"Yes, we are. Tell you all about it later. I love you." Gabby said before retreating and walking down the hall. Callie sighed, rolling over to face the wall. She knew this could go really good or really bad. Gabby could either approve of Alex, or completely hate Alex and when Gabby hates someone, those feelings dont change. The last time she disliked someone it was from a bad feeling. The situation-ship ended poorly and Gabby never directly said "i told you so" but it was implied in the eyes Callie knew how to read.

Callie prayed for the latter.


"I'm off to work, you alright?" Lauren asked, floppimg down on the bed nect to Callie.

"Im anxious about this lunch thing Alex and Gabby are on." They said, shrugging as the sheets made a whooshing sound against her hoodie material.

"I don't think it's like that." Lauren said to which Callie stifled a laugh.

"I know, she's like almost married. Unhappy or not, Gabby's married. She wouldn't do that to me either." Callie said, holding back her laughter.

"Well I didn't know." Lauren laughed. "What exactly are you anxious about, then?"

"Well, you of all people know that when Gabby doesn't like someone, it holds."

"Yes yes, I do know."

"I'm scared she won't like Alex and her mind will be made up. He's the first person Ive felt safe with since Hayden. The first person ive genuinely wanted to be committed to since Hayden. I want him and this and whatever future we could have. I'm still terrified to commit, but he's making it better."

"Gabby sees that, babe." Lauren said. She patted my shoulder with a gentle touch before getting off the bed and walking to the door. "Gabby knows best and he's the best thing to happen to you in a long time"

Lauren was gone before Callie could respond.


"Let's film a video." Clay said, walking in and sitting at the desk. He spun in it before stopping and looking at Callie.

"What?" She asked, shocked at the random offer.

"Let's make a video. We can film it and then post it and whatever money I make off of it, I can give you a portion of it." Clay says.

"I can't ask you to do that for me. I don't mind filming a video, but taking the money is too much"

"It's a source of some type of income, Cal." Clay said, tone genuine so he doesnt come off as pitying her. "Just to help until you can get a job."

"Is this your way of asking me to pay rent?" The girl asked, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard.

"Of course not! No! I don't give a fuck about rent! It was just a genuine help offer." Clay said with a small laugh. Callie relaxed and thought it over for a quick minute.

"I mean, sure yeah. What would it entail?"

"We're just doing like a build battle of sorts. I don't even know if i'll post it but it also gives us something fun to do. George and Nick will be there also."

"Sure, why not." Callie agreed.

"So, how was your date?" Callie asked, watching Gabby walk into the room. They went out for far longer than just lunch, but the filming with Clay helped distract her from it.

"Great! I like him." Gabby said with a smile. "He's all good to be your boyfriend if you want him to be."

"That's a lot of simple words. I feel like you're hiding something."

"You're overthinking it." Gabby laughed. Callie still couldn't shake the anxious feeling from her chest, no matter what she did.

"Hi, amor." Alex said, walking into the room and leaning against the chair Callie was still sat in. She was looking for jobs around the area that were hiring. Not many.

"Hello." Callie said, scrolling through the website despite the answers being the same no matter what she tried.

"No luck?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her neck loosely and leaning his head atop hers.

"None." Callie sighed, trying to keep her hopes high but failing.

"What about working with Clay? Filming videos and stuff?"

"I'd feel bad."

"For what, exactly?"

"Well, Lauren already edits the videos and taking money from him for being in them feels wrong." Callie shrugged. "I'll figure it out eventually.

"I know you will." Quackity said, voice soft and whispered as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

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