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and sparks fly when they kiss


real life

"You're home! Are you okay? Why are you rushing?" Lauren asked, following Callie as she rushed through the house.

"Let her rush, Lauren! Callie you have an hour and still have to make the drive and through TSA! Hurry!" Nick yelled, running after them.

"You're getting on a plane?!" Lauren asked.

"Oh good, Callie your home. Ive been-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Callie yelled, making everyone stop moving except for Nick. "I have a flight to catch, thank you! Lauren help me pack!"

"Okay, okay." Lauren said, pulling out Callie's duffle bag from under the bed and helping Callie pack.

"Who speeds the fastest?" Callie asked before everyone went quiet.

"I do." Clay said quietly.

"Go start the car." Callie said, waving her hand at him. She heard the keys clatter and footsteps walk away from the room.

"Where are you going?"

"California." Callie answered, zipping up her packed bag before running out of the room.



Cal <3
its funny bc this man thinks im listening to his apologies and im really not

only people tagged in this post can comment



dtqk + lauren + callie

Clay :|, Amore :], Ren My Wife :O, Karl :), Georgie :D, Nick :P, Callie :3

Nick :P - that tweet was fuckin brutal

Amore :] - completely warranted tho

Ren My Wife :O - oh absolutely

Karl :) - will callie respond?

Callie :3 - nope :)
Callie :3 - im abt to take a triiiip ;)

Karl :) - nick told me wheeerrreee

Amore :] - i dont have any details :(

Nick :P - you'll find out eventually i promise

Callie :3 - getting out of the car w/ a man im mad at but i give him kudos for getting me to the airport in record fucking time

Clay :| - rude

Callie :3 - you told me to get out of your house for telling you to stay out of my relationship with alex and you think im being rude?

Clay :| - theres more to it than that

Callie :3 - yet here we are with your contact back to what it was when you broke my best friends heart :D

Georgie :D - youre so real for that

Callie :3 - thank ya georgie
Callie :3 - GTG BYE BYE <3


real life

She stood from her seat looking at the message Nick sent her with Alex's address, she started ordering an uber despite the shaking of her hands. She grabbed her carry-on and walked off the plane, wading through the crowd of people once through the terminal. The air was humid and hot and her phone's time was now set three hours back, but she was here and to say she was anxious would be an understatement.

She walked through the airport, trying to locate where she needed to go to get to the entrance of this place. She finally found the front doors and sat down in the seats right beside the automatic doors, waiting for the notification saying her uber was here. The longer she sat, the more anxious and terrified she got.

This decision was rash, very out of the blue, but very necessary in her books. She finally got a notification saying her uber was there and she stood, shaking the anxiety from her limbs. The walk to the car felt so much longer than it should have, just like the drive over. When she finally stood out of the car and stared at the house before her, she took a deep breath, standing until the car drove off in case they were a fan of Alex's and ended up seeing he lived here. She didn't want to be the reason he got doxxed by any means. It's happened to Clay while she was in the house and it was a petrifying three days.

Once she knew the car was long gone, she walked up to the door. Her phone was pinging in her back pocket, but she couldn't deal with that right now. She had to focus on making it to the door before she outright bailed and paid for a flight home just as quickly as she paid for the flight here.

"It's just Alex, it's fine." Callie muttered, shaking her hands slightly after setting her bag down. She took a deep breath and lifted her hand to knock on the door. The sensation vibrated through her hand as her knuckles met the wood of the red door. She waited for the door to open and just as she was about to knock again, it swung open and she saw the man standing in front of her. Her body almost gave out in relief. Every nerve set aflame with the need to be near him.

"Callie?" He asked, running a hand through his dark hair and staring at her with concerned eyes.

"Stay, don't go. Please, please just stay. I want this and I want you and I'm still not ready to be together yet, but I can't lose you either. I fucked up big time and I just-"

She was cut off with a kiss, Alex pressing his lips against hers as his hands went up to cup her face. She melted, tears of relief leaking from her eyes and trailing down onto his hands.

"Callie, you are everything to me and I'm sorry if I was the reason you pushed away or if I was being selfish by kissing you at the airport." Alex rambled quietly, leaning his forehead against hers. "Come inside, please."



Jon 💕

i cannot believe you did this to us
you were everything to me
i loved you so fucking much Callie
you destroyed our family by not telling me about your slut mother

yk what Jon
i meant everything to you and you never showed it
i mean everything to someone else now
and hes fixing a heart you broke
go fuck with someone else
im tired of you whining to me about something i couldnt control
go find another girlfriend and her kids to torture because you wont be doing it to me and my sisters anymore.

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