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oh, i think maybe two


real life

trigger warning! : fighting

The door hits the wall with so much force it could have put a hole in the wall. Callie put her phone down next to her on the bed and quickly walked to her closed door, listening in to the yelling. She didn't really have to go to the door to hear, in all honesty Nick was yelling so loud she could hear it perfectly clear from the bed, but nonetheless.

"You're such a fucking idiot and a dick, you know that?!" Nick screamed. You could hear the mix of anger and sadness in his voice.

"Dude, what's going on?" Clay spoke. His voice wasn't as audible to Callie as Nick's was.

"You fucked her up! You fucked up my fucking chances with her because you're a little piece of shit!"

"Dude, what the hell are you on about?" Clay asked, voice raising.

"You broke her heart and now she can't fucking believe anyone can love her! You did that! You fucked over my fucking chances! You fucked me over, Clay!"

"Dude, i didn't do shit to you! You're kinda making it about yourself now."

"Fine let's keep it about, Lauren! You broke her heart! She doesn't know her fucking worth now! You fucking broke her and you claim to be her best fucking friend!"

"This doesnt even concern you, Nick!" Clay yelled back, becoming defensive of the things being thrown in his face.

"It does concern me, Clay!"

"It- You know what, talk to me when you calm your ass down."

"How do you expect me to calm the fuck down, Clay! You surround this damn house and you're the reason for my fucking anger!"

"Go take a damn walk!"

"I fucking did! News flash it worked until i came back here and saw your stupid fucking face!"

"Maybe take another one and don't come the fuck back then!"

"This is my house too, Clay!"

"Really, because you don't pay for shit in it!"

"You never said I had to!"

"Yeah, you don't unless you continue to treat me like this! Know your fucking place! We can talk about this calmly another time and i'd be glad to have this conversation but until then get out of my damn fucking face, Nick! Go fucking smoke or some shit and maybe you'll be a batter version of yourself!"

"You're such a dick!"

there was a loud crash following that. then another and then cursing, Callie knew what was happening and put her anxiety aside to deal with them. She walked into the hallway, exiting Lauren's room to see the two fist fighting.

"Get the fuck off of each other!" Lauren yelled. It did nothing.

"I said fucking stop! If you fucking hit me im knocking you both the fuck out and you can find someone else to look after your sorry asses! Get over yourselves! Both of you are in the fucking wrong! Go downstairs and get in the fucking car since you both are covered in blood! Maybe on the walk to the car you can speak calmly to one another!" She screamed, pulling them apart and looking between the both of them. Clay had a cut on his lip and a bruise forming on not only his knuckles but right under the cut on his lip. Nick had a bruise forming on his cheekbone and blood streaming from his nose. He had a cut on his forehead and that was the deciding factor of taking them to the hospital. "Stop staring at me and walk!"

Nick and Clay walked down to the car, Nick holding his nose and Clay flexing hid hand. She sighed in frustration, walking into Clay's room to turn off anything on his computer. She turned off all the lights in the house and fed patched before leaving.

She had just gotten off the phone with Lauren, promising to check up on the both of them and make sure they were okay. Within a matter of seconds they beat the shit out of each other. So much for that promise.

"You sure took your time." Nick sassed.

"Mouth me again and you'll be on the streets tonight, Nick. Both of you in the back. Neither of you will complain or argue or comment. Actually neither of you will speak a damn work until we get to the hospital so you can explain your idiocy. In the damn car." She scolded. They both opened the doors and got in the car. The ride was silent, nobody speaking a word until they got to the hospital.

"What seems to be the issue today?"

"We-" Clay started before getting cut off.

"They got into a fight. I'm more concerned about the cut on Nick's head than anything."

"It doesn't look too bad. We'll run a scan to see if he has a concussion or anything, but it doesn't seem like he has one from the way he's responding to things. Clay you have a sprain in your middle finger but thats the most of your damage. That should heal in a few days to a few weeks, nothing too major." The doctor said, They were released as soon as Nick's head scan came back. He was fine, nothing serious.

"You either talk about it calmly or you stay away from one another for a few days. There was no reason to lash out like that Nick. You could have talked with him but even then, its none of your damn business. I understand your feelings on the situation, hell I bitched him out four years ago, but to put how she feels on him as if its his fault? That's not fair. How she feels is how she feels, whether he caused it or not. She isn't incapable of love, but she needs to realize that herself not because her knight and shining armor comes in and saves the fucking day. And i understand Nick was yelling at you, but there was no reason to yell the things you did at him, Clay. Both of you either apologize in the house or you go to your rooms."

"You're a great mom." Nick said sarcastically with an eye roll. She brake checked them and Nick hit the seat in front of him, groaning from the impact and the shot of pain that soared from his cut.

"Get the fuck out and walk your ass home."

"But i don't even-

"I dont give a fuck. You will not disrespect me when I just sat here and helped the both of you. Get the hell to walking, Nick." She said. He huffed and got out of the car, slamming the door. She drove off, leaving him on the side of the road.

"Are you gonna get him later if he doesn't come back?" Clay asked, looking out the back windshield like a little kid.

"Yes, Clay, I will. I planned on dropping you off then going and finding him." Callie said. The car fell into silence and she wondered how the hell she wound up here.

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