Chapter 3

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* in the roll room

Grey : this is a bolo for mr. Lance selby who violated his parole yesterday scale from one to ten this guy's a 12 *handing out the paper of the guy : did a nickel for attempted murder with a claw hammer so whoever gets them off the street we're getting a sincere handshake and Super Bowl Sunday off that's it be safe out there
Lucy *turns to Tim : we was gonna watch it together anyway
Tim : oh we bet we are be safe out there
Lucy : always and you be safe
Tim : always boot get the gear
Celina : yes sir

*in the car

Lucy : 7 adam 19 we are practically 5 minutes away

*with Tim and Celina

Tim : that's the address for selby I'll set up an alley behind okay selby rabbits Chen and Thorsen come calling *pulls the car in the alley but they see a car
Celina : that's our guy Sulby
Tim : call it in backup and airship
Celina : 7-Adam 19 show us code 6 on both suspect need back up and airship

Lucy *looks at Aaron and continues to drive
Aaron : they've got em

Celina *gets out the car
Tim : no you stay there till we clear them from that car
Tim : LAPD gentleman step away from the car and show me your hands
Man : problems officer
Tim : there will be if you don't show me those hands Now
Man *shoots gun
Celina *grabs gun from her duty belt and shoots back
Tim *grabs gun from his duty belt snd shoots back
Man *shoots Tim
Celina *gets down and grabs radio : 7-100-19 officer down shots fired at a alley I repeat officer down *shoots back grabs him puts him behind the car
Tim : don't worry about me shot back
Celina *shots back
Man *shoots car and it goes on fire
Celina *grabs Tim moves him away form the car

*car goes in the wall

Aaron : you good
Lucy : yea * I open the car door : thorsen wait
Aaron *runs off and shoots at him
Lucy *gets in the car checks him
Man 2 *grabs into her
Lucy *kicks him and punches him handcuffs him gets out to the car runs down to Tim
Aaron : you okay
Tim *groans : no I've been shot
Lucy *goes to him : hey I'm here you're gonna be okay
Tim : do not tell my sister
Lucy : ok
Tim : promise me
Lucy : I promise
Tim : love you *he says that as friends
Lucy : you too
Tim : you go get him boot NOW

Lucy : when this is over we are gonna talk about you running off where's sulby
Aaron : he ran through the alley
Lucy : suspect heading north towards residence on click street

*Jackson and Nolan are riding together till Nolan gets his rookie
Jackson  : 7 out of 7 arriving on scene
Nolan *shoots gun

Man *has knife to woman throat
Aaron : drop the knife
Man : shut up
Aaron: you don't have to do this you shot a cop they seems your only managed to piss him off you're not a murder yet
Man : get back
Aaron : I can't do that I can't do that looks selby we are in this moment together all right what happens next you change both of our lives look I become a cop to help people not killing and if you hurt her I will pull this trigger and you will die I'll see your face every time I close my eyes but you'll never see anything ever again here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna lower my gun and you're gonna let her go ok nice and easy lower that knife nice and easy and your gonna let her go
Celina *shots his leg
Man *groans
Aaron *hands behind your back
Man *does it
Aaron *handcuffs him
Lucy : call it in officer thorsen
Aaron : suspect in custody code four

*at the station

Aaron : hey so what's the word on Tim
Lucy : he's out of surgery I'm gonna go and see him
Grey : officer Thorsen I heard you left your partner almost got her killed
Aaron *looks at Lucy
Grey : I knew you midlife crisis will put my people in harm's way you're lucky you still have this job *walks away

* at the hospital

Lucy *sees Tim awake walks to the chair sits down : Tim
Tim : Luce did you get him
Lucy : we got it is custody you're Lucky you're alive I could have lost you genny could have
Tim : but you didn't I'm alive I'm breathing okay *holds her hand
Lucy : glad your okay when do you leave
Tim : 2 days why
Lucy : I'm going to be looking after you
Tim : I don't need a babysitter
Lucy : either that or I tell genny
Tim : fine fine
Lucy : good

*couple minutes later

Tim *watches Lucy sleep in the chair : god why can't I tell you how I feel
Grace : need anything
Tim : could you get her a blanket
Grace : of course *gets blanket puts it over her : she your girlfriend
Tim : no best friend
Grace : you're a lucky guy night *leaves

*Tim falls asleep

*next chapter coming soon

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