Chapter 9

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Lucy *was worrying what to wear he said to wear something I wear white shirt black jacket black jeans
Tim *knocks door
Lucy *opens door he's wearing a black shirt and trousers and a jacket he has flowers in his hand : Timothy
Tim : Luce I bought flowers
Lucy : thank you *takes the flowers puts them in water and vase
Tim : ready to go
Lucy : yes I'm ready *grabs her phone and leaves the apartment
Tim *takes her downstairs to his car opens the car door for her
Lucy : thank you *gets in the car
Tim *closes the car door then he goes over to the drivers side opens it gets in starts car and drives off to a food truck

Tim *pulls up : if this isn't good we can go somewhere else
Lucy : Tim this place is fine come on *gets out of the car
Tim *gets out of the car

*they walk to the food truck they buy food and a drink

Tim : so this is weird isn't it I'm nervous
Lucy : you're not the only one Tim I've been worried what to wear
Tim : well you look beautiful
Lucy *smiles at him
Tim : so how's it going with your rookie
Lucy : he's going good Let's not talk about work
Tim : yea I've done enough taking about work you know what I love about you
Lucy : what
Tim : your eyes when I look into them their beautiful
Lucy : thank you and I love your eyes and your handsome smile
Tim *laughs : thank you

*Tim and Lucy was laughing and joking all night

*Tim drives Lucy's home

Lucy : thanks for tonight I loved it
Tim : I loved it too can I do something
Lucy : yea sure
Tim *leans forward and kisses her
Lucy *kisses back

*they kissed for 2 seconds

Tim : I'll see you tomorrow
Lucy : I'll see you tomorrow handsome *leaves the car and goes upstairs to the apartment opens door then shuts the door and gets changed into a T-shirt and some shorts gets into her and falls asleep

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