Chapter 34

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* it's been a couple of days and Lucy is now
4 months pregnant and Tim is dealing with Lucy's pregnancy cravings

*at 1am

Tim *sleeping wraps arms around her
Lucy *shakes Tim : Tim
Tim *wakes up : yea baby
Lucy : I want ice cream
Tim  : okay baby we've got some in the fridge
Lucy : chocolate and vanilla
Tim : yes baby I went last night just in case you were craving them baby
Lucy : you're the best husband ever
Tim : I know and your the best wife ever *gets up goes to the fridge opens it grabs the ice cream and closes the fridge grabs the phone and heads back to the bedroom and gives it to Lucy lays back down and watches her
Lucy *opens it and grabs spoon and eats the ice cream
Tim *laughs
Lucy : what
Tim : you eating the ice cream can I have some
Lucy : you do not steal a pregnant woman food babe
Tim : okay okay I got the hint *I kiss her cheek
Lucy : love you
Tim : love you too baby *lays down and fall back asleep

*the next morning

*Tim heads to the station to do some paperwork

Angela : hey
Tim : hey *continues with the paperwork
Angela : how is Lucy
Tim : she good she woke me up last night she was craving ice cream I had some in the fridge but ang you weren't joking with don't steal a pregnant woman's food
Angela *laughs : yea do not steal a pregnant woman food did you steal the ice cream from her
Tim : no I asked her for some but she said do not steal a pregnant woman food
Angela : yea it'll get worse she'll have pregnancy cravings but if you see her cry comfort her trust me when I was pregnant with Jack I had a cry over stupid things just be there for her Tim
Tim : trust me I'll be there for my wife ever step of the pregnancy our first baby
Angela : you thought of names yet
Tim : no we are thinking
Angela : trust me when you meet him or her you'll know
Tim : yea but we want to know a name we're thinking so
Angela : okay I'll leave you to it *leaves Tim
Tim : okay *continues with the paperwork

*hope you liked this chapter

*sorry this chapter is short

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