Chapter 13

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*Lucy has been home for 2 days Tim is at the station he told me today he is gonna ask sergeant grey about the sergeant exam and Lucy was bored she has 2 more days till she's back to work
*at the station

Tim : sir could am I interrupting anything
Grey : no what can I do you with
Tim : I was was thinking about doing the sergeant exam
Grey *laughs
Tim : what do you think I shouldn't
Grey : no I think why didn't you tell me before you'll have to study hard for this exam to pass it
Tim : yes sir
Grey : does officer Chen know
Tim : yes sir she does and she thinks I should do it
Grey : you're dating aren't you
Tim : would it be a problem if it was sir
Grey : no it wouldn't actually because she isn't your rookie she is a T.O she's good
Tim : thanks sir
Grey : no problem

*in the roll call room

Grey : as you can see officer Chen is still off so officer Thorsen you'll be riding with officer Bradford and Celina you'll be with officer Nolan today ok be safe out there

*aaron and Celina got the gear

Aaron *puts the gear in the boot and gets in the car
Tim *drives off

*Tim is gonna do a little Tim test

Tim : I was glad when sergeant grey paired us up
Aaron : you are
Tim : yeah being police officer is in your DNA it's gonna be my privilege to *stops car : I've been shot boot I'm bleeding to death you have to call for help where are you
Aaron : north Mansfield cross the street is Beverly Boulevard there's a medical centre on third street but I would see that you were taken to Cedars better trauma centre and the best coffee in LA is two blocks down me and officer Chen go
Tim *drives on
Aaron : so
Tim : you did good officer Chen is a good T.O you're in good hands that's the last compliment I'll be doing okay
Aaron : yes sir
Man on radio : 7 -100 shooting in shop at the the high street
Aaron : copy that responding
Tim *drives to the location

*at the location

Tim *pulls up
Aaron *gets out grabs gun
Tim *gets out grabs gun
Tim *runs in the shop : LAPD
Aaron *behind him : LAPD drop the gun now
Man *goes to fun
Aaron *tackles him : you're under arrest *cuffs him : sir where'd the other guy go
Tim *sees back door open runs out there
Man 2 running with a bag
Tim *runs fast and tackles him : you're under arrest
Aaron *puts guy in the car and drives to Tim
Tim *puts cuffs on him gets him up puts him in the car

*at the station

*they did their finger prints

Aaron : tell officer Chen I'm looking forward on seeing her
Tim : will do boot you did good

*end of shift tim changed into his clothes heads out and goes to his house it's quite sees no Lucy goes in bedroom sees her sleeping changes into his white shirt and some shorts gets in the bed and cuddle her

Tim *whispers in her ear : night baby

*next chapter will be the sergeant exam Celina will be reading to him but she finds out something she tells Lucy and we will
Find out the rest in the next chapter

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