Chapter 26

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*the next morning

*Genny and harper came early in the morning and they got Lucy to the venue

*at the venue in the room

Lucy *get in her dress
Tamara *zips her dress from behind
Lucy : is it up
Genny : yea it's up
Lucy : so how do l look
Tamara : beautiful I've got to get dressed *gets in the other room and changes into her dress walks out : so
Genny : you look amazing
Tamara : Thank you
Harper *gets in the room and charges into the dress and walks out
Lucy : you look amazing
Genny *gets in the room and changes into her dress
Lucy : you guys look amazing are the boys here yet
Genny : no not yet but they will be

*Tim , Angela , Jackson , Nolan turn up at the venue they go in their room to get changed

Tim *changes into his his suit puts it on walk out : how do I look
Angela : amazing and handsome *fixes his flower on his suit *goes in the room and changes into the dress walks out
Jackson : you look amazing
Angela : thanks Jackson
Jackson *walks in the room changes into his suit
Tim : wow you look good
Angela : you look handsome
Jackson : thanks
Nolan *walks in the room and charges into his suit then walks out
Jackson: wow you look good
Nolan : thanks

*all the guests have arrived they go to sit inside where they are getting married

Angela : Tim it's time
Tim : okay

*they walked in and Tim stands by  the Registrar
Nolan *stands next to Tim
Jackson *stands next to Nolan
Angela *stands next to Nolan

*the music starts playing stay with you
*everyone stands up
Genny *walks down isle smiles at Tim sees her son Taylor stands on the brides side
Tamara *walks done the isle stands next to genny
Grey : you ready Chen
Lucy : yes sir *puts arm around him
Woman *opens door
Lucy *walks down the isle with Grey by her side
Tim *looks at her she looks beautiful
Grey *gives her to Tim
Tim *grabs her hand
Lucy *looks and him and grabs his hand
Grey *shakes Tim's hand
Tim *shakes hand back
Grey *sits down
Man : you all may be seated
*everyone sits down
Man : I gathered you here today to celebrate Lucy Chen and Timothy Bradford if anyone here knows why they shouldn't be together please speak now or forever hold you peace
*everyone stays silent
Man : you guys have done your vows
Tim : yes
Lucy : yes
Man : Lucy you may go first
Lucy : okay
Genny *gives her the paper
Lucy *grabs it : thanks okay *unfolds paper : Tim when we meet I was in a relationship with someone it was toxic and you and genny stood by my side and when I did break up with him you never left my side and we become best friends if someone was to tell me 5 years ago I would fall for my best friend I would say no but I know Tim that I love you and you are my soulmate I love you babe
Man : that was lovely Tim
Tim *grabs the paper from inside the suit unfolds it : Lucy when we met I was divorced and was moody and grumpy but you were by my side ever day and if someone was gonna tell me I was gonna fall for my sisters friend I would say they would be lying but I know when we started dating I knew you would be my wife one day and here we are standing telling our vows but I promise you I will stand by your side every day and I love you Lucy Chen
Man : that was lovely the rings
Jackson *gives it to him
Tamara *gives it to her
Man : Lucy take the ring and put it on Tim's finger
Lucy *takes it puts it on his finger
Man : I promise to love you
Lucy : I promise to love you
Man : and to stand by your side and i promise to love you till death do us apart
Lucy : and to stand by your side and I promise to love you till death do us apart
Man : now Tim put ring on Lucy's finger
Tim *puts ring on her finger
Man : now repeat after me I promise to love you and I promise to stand by your side
Tim : I promise to love you and I promise to hand by your side
Man : till death do us apart and I promise to look after you when your sick
Tim : till death do us apart and I promise to look after you when your sick
Man : now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride
Tim *kisses her
Lucy *kisses back

*they walk down the isle together to walk into the reception

*next chapter will be the reception and Their first dance

*next chapter will be the reception and Their first dance

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*thats their wedding rings

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