Chapter 14

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*Lucy wakes up sees Tim sleeping next to her she smiles puts hand through his hair
Tim *wakes up sees feels a hand a go through my hair I open my eye I see Lucy : hey
Lucy : hey what time did you come home last night
Tim : around 10 you feeling okay
Lucy: yea I feel okay how was your shift
Tim : it was okay you're back in work tomorrow right
Lucy : yea and I can't wait to get back to it
Tim : Aaron told me to tell you he's looking forward on seeing you back
Lucy : yea tell him I'll see him tomorrow who had my rookie yesterday
Tim : me I had him Nolan had Celina
Lucy : you did a Tim test didn't you
Tim : yea and he knew the street he was on
Lucy : well yea I trained him
Tim : I've got to go to the station
Lucy : okay I cannot wait to be back tomorrow *Lucy gets up and gets dressed heads to the kitchen gets Tim's bag ready
Tim *gets up and gets dressed : babe have you seen my bag
Lucy : here *gives him the bag
Tim : thank you *grabs the bag : thank you *goes to leave
Lucy : babe keys *I give him the keys
Tim : what would I do without you *kisses her cheek
Lucy : be safe
Tim : always am *leaves the house goes in the car starts engine and goes to the station

*at the station

Tim *changes into his uniform

* in the roll room

Grey : okay west Nolan there was a missing statue need you to go there Aaron from desk okay be safe out there
*aaron leaves to go to front desk
Nolan & Jackson *leaves
Grey : Bradford let me see you a second *throw an book for him to catch to you're exam reading thought I might add another
Tim *catches it : split second leadership leading men in the line of duty
Celina : men
Tim : it's from the 60's how is this relevant to 21st century policing
Grey : isn't the reason why officer Bradford read the book
Tim : yes sir

*in the shop

Tim : so you're gonna read this out loud to me between calls only way I'm gonna get it memorised in time *gives it to her
Celina *grabs it : or I could drive and you could read it yourself
Tim : nice try start reading
Celina : okay chapter one true leadership generates respect no fear It elevates people rather than diminishing them I like this book
Tim : you would keep reading
Celina : the number one mistake new leaders make is to think themselves suddenly infallible the best leaders understand that even the lowliest patrol officer has something valuable to teach them repeat the last part back to me
Tim *looks at her
Celina : memorising is all about repetition trust me I'm a Psycho major I I know this stuff
Tim : the best leadership understand even the lowest patrol officer has something valuable to teach them
Celina : again okay it's time to read some more an open mind and open door

*meanwhile with Lucy

Lucy has been bored out of her mind sitting there all day she decided to go to the station grabs her keys and heads there

*at the station

Grey : officer Chen you ain't back till tomorrow
Lucy : I know just checking on my boot where is he
Grey : front desk
Lucy : thanks *goes to the front desk
Aaron : sir you need to calm down otherwise I'm gonna have to ask you to leave
Man *goes to hit him
Aaron *grabs  him grabs his cuffs : you're under arrest * the other police officers takes  him into a cell
Lucy : officer Thorsen
Aaron *looks at her : officer Chen you're back
Lucy : not till tomorrow actually Tim doesn't know I'm here so I appreciate you don't tell him
Aaron : yes got it
Lucy : mind if I hang around here
Aaron : not at all ma'am

*meanwhile with Tim and Celina

Celina : to leading men of stress don't ever think you can carry the load all by yourself that is so true don't you think
Tim : it's hard enough to listen to it without you editorialising
Celina : hey I'm happy to stop reading and catch up on paperwork you're gonna have to re read all of this anyway to really memorising
Tim : no I memorise best when I hear it
Celina : really
Tim : yeah
Celina : huh
Tim : what
Celina : nothing I
Tim : boot
Celina : You might have a learning difference
Tim : uh what
Celina : technically it's classified as a disability but it really just means that you're wired to process information differently in your case through through hearing rather then reading
Tim : I don't have a learning disability
Celina : a lot of people have them I bet Isabel or Lucy helped you in the academy read through the materials with you are your stuff
Tim : me and Lucy didn't know each other then and we're not taking about this
Celina : all I'm saying is *looks at Tim never mind
*gets called to a scene

Rex : casing watch your tone boot
Tim : oh you don't get to call her boot Rex you're retired she's the police now
Celina : Let's see your bail bonds license and the warrant on your jumper
Rex : you let her talk to you like that
*Tim gave him his card
*they get in the shop

Celina : do you want me to read
Tim : no
Celina : come on you have to learn it
Tim : I can do that on my own

*they fight a suspect arrested both of them

*at the station

Celina : officer Chen you're back
Lucy : not till tomorrow actually Tim doesn't know I'm here so
Celina : can I talk to you about Tim
Lucy : of course let's go to the break room

* in the break room

Celina : I think Tim has a learning disability sergeant grey gave him a book to read he told me to read it between calls I did I told him he might have a learning disability I said Isabel or you might have helped you in the academy he said he didn't want to talk about it he didn't want me to read it to him anymore because I said he has a learning disability
Lucy : me and Tim didn't meet then we meet through his sister don't worry about Tim I'm gonna help him thanks for telling me boot
Celina : it's no problem ma'am
Lucy : the book where is it
Celina : should be till in the shop ma'am
Lucy *went the shop opens the door sees the book grabs it and goes somewhere Tim can't find her in the station

*Lucy recorded something for Tim

Tim *punching bag
Lucy : training for the rewatch with Nico
Tim *looks behind him : ah me and my boot got him in the end what are you doing here
Lucy : I was bored at the house so I came here to see my boot and well I had a conversation with jurez
Tim : oh well you're back on shift tomorrow baby and oh you talked with my boot
Lucy *grabs something from her pocket : here
Tim *grabs it : what's this
Lucy : it is split second leadership leading men in the line of duty the audiobook
Tim : the book's is out of print there no audiobook
Lucy : yeah which is why I recorded one for you listen I talked to Isabel and from what she said it's clear you're a kinesthetic learner which means that you need to listen while you're being active in order to absorb  things there's no shame in it really honestly it's probably why you excel at being a cop babe uh I'll see you at home
Tim : yeah I'll see you at home
Lucy *turns around
Tim : thanks for this baby
Lucy : you're welcome you better be having a shower before you come into bed tonight
Tim : mmm can I have a hug
Lucy : no I'll see you at home *walks out
Tim *laughs puts the headphones is and presses play - read by the best girlfriend you ever had *laughs and smiles

Lucy *goes to leave the station
Aaron : heading home ma'am
Lucy : yes I am are you boot
Aaron : yea I am see you tomorrow officer Chen
Lucy : yea you will see you boot *walks out the station heads to her car starts engine and drives to Tim's house

*pulls up at Tim's house turns the engine off unlocks doors heads inside closes door then sits on the couch waiting for Tim

*Tim was getting showed at the station changes into his clothes grabs his bag and heads out goes to his car starts engine and drives to his house

Tim *pulls of turns off engine gets out grabs bag opens door the closes it behind him sees his girlfriend on the couch puts bag on the floor : babe
Lucy : yes *gets up heads to him : *kisses cheek
Tim : let's head to bed long day tomorrow
Lucy : yea it is

*they head in the bedroom Tim closes the door behind him

Tim *changes into a T-shirt and shorts and gets into bed
Lucy *changes into one of Tim's shirt and trousers gets into bed
Tim *open his arms
Lucy *puts head on chest and cuddles into him
Tim *wraps his arms around her kisses her forehead: goodnight beautiful
Lucy : night handsome *feels save in his arms she's lucky to have him closes her eyes and falls asleep
Tim *loves her so much he's so Lucky to have her closes his eyes and falls asleep

*next chapter be soon

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