Chapter 18

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*it's been a couple of days and Tim is gonna propose today

*he had it all planned it wasn't romantic but they talked they didn't want anything big or anything just being together is it

Genny - good luck today big brother
Tim - thanks I'm nervous

*Tim booked a romantic meal tonight and Lucy has no idea

Lucy : so how do I look
Tim : you look beautiful
Lucy : thank you and you look handsome

*they aren't wearing anything smart

*Lucy is wearing a dress and
* Tim is wearing blue black shirt black trousers gold watch and a black belt

Tim : you go and wait in the car I've just got to get something
Lucy : okay Babe *grabs her phone and the keys and heads down to the car
Tim *goes to his car grabs the box out of his bag and puts it inside his jacket pocket and heads out the apartment shuts it and heads to the car
Lucy : we ready babe
Tim : yes I am baby *starts engine and drives to the location

*at the restaurant

*Tim pulls up and they both get out of the car head to the restaurant

*they both ordered the sea bass

Lucy : babe you okay
Tim : yea I'm fine baby
Lucy : you know you can talk to me
Tim : I know baby I'm fine i promise
Lucy : okay *kisses his cheek

*their food came and they eat it they were taking and eating and looking into each other's eyes that made Tim even more nervous

*they didn't have dessert they asked for the bill and Tim is gonna propose


Tim : do you want to take a walk baby
Lucy : sure *I hold his hand we walk
Tim : you know I'm the luckiest guy
Lucy : why
Tim : because I'm dating the most beautiful woman
Lucy : and you're the most handsome man babe look at the sunset
Tim *removes his hand from her hand now is the time he was behind him
Lucy : babe look
Tim *goes on one knee and grabs the ring and opens the box : baby
Lucy *turns around to see Tim on one knee holding a box : oh my god
Tim : Lucy Chen when we meet I was a jerk and I was divorced but you changed me when we meet I was going soft and we fell in love with each other and you are the love of my life baby so Lucy will you marry me
Lucy : yes yes yes I'll marry you
Tim *gets up puts the ring on her finger
Lucy *hugs him : I love you so much
Tim : I love you too baby
Lucy *kisses him

*they went back to the car and went to the apartment

*unlocks door and goes in shuts door

Lucy *kisses him passionately
Tim *kisses back puts arms around her waist
Lucy *hands goes up to her shirt on his buttons unbuttons it and takes it off
Tim : baby you sure we don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable
Lucy : I'm sure
Tim : okay *kisses her puts hands on cheek going to the wall Puts hand there so her head doesn't hit the wall
Lucy *puts hand on cheek
*they walk into the bedroom
Tim *slaps shut the door kisses her takes her dress off and starts kissing her neck
Lucy *moans
Tim *picks her up puts her on the bed

*and you know what they do after that

*next chapter will be everyone finding out about Tim and Lucy's engagement

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