Chapter 20

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*it's been a couple of days they've picked a venue it's pretty it's beautiful

*at the station in the break room

Lucy : so who's your best man then baby
Tim : I've picked a woman for my honour
Lucy : okay who
Tim : Angela
Lucy : you've made the best choice you asked her yet babe
Tim : no you'll do it in a minute
Lucy : Timothy
Tim : I'll do it now *gets up heads to Angela's desk : Lopez
Angela : Tim
Tim : can we talk
Angela : sure
Tim : you remember for your wedding you asked me to be your man of honour
Angela : yea I remember
Tim : will you be mine
Angela : yes of course I will *I hug him
Tim *hugs back
Angela: I need to head back to my desk we will talk later *walks to desk
Tim *walks back to Lucy
Lucy : so
Tim : she said yes
Lucy : that's amazing
Tim : yea it is
Lucy : I'll see you tonight Aaron not in today he's taking a person day off
Tim : ah okay I'll see you after shift baby *kisses her head and leaves

*Lucy has been on the front desk all day thinking about who is gonna walk her down the isle her parents haven't spoken to her since they have came to the hospital

*end of shift

Lucy *gets changed out of her uniform and heads to the break room she sits down and thinks

*meanwhile with Tim

Tim : ang you seen Lucy
Angela : break room
Tim : thanks *heads to the break room sees her thinking hard walks in the room : hey baby
Lucy : uh hey ready to go
Tim : what's wrong I know you
Lucy : nothing's wrong babe I'm fine
Tim : talk to me
Lucy  : the last time I saw my parents was at the hospital
Tim : yea I know baby is that what's bothering you
Lucy : no what's bothering me is I won't have a father to walk me down the isle
Tim : oh baby *sits next to her : I'm here for you do you want to see your parents
Lucy : to be honest no Tim I don't know if I should ask you this but do you think I should ask Sargent grey
Tim : if that's what you want baby
Lucy : yea it is he's been like a dad to me these couple of months
Tim : then let's ask him love

*Lucy and Tim go to Grey office

Grey : Tim Lucy what is it
Tim : as you know we're getting married this year
Grey : yea
Lucy : you've always been like a dad to me and I was wondering if you'd walk me down the isle
Grey : of course I will
Lucy : thank you * I hug him
Grey *hugs him back

*they leave the station to go to the car to the apartment

*at the apartment

Lucy *walks in puts bag on the floor and heads to the couch and sits
Tim *walk in closes door behind him puts back on the floor goes to the couch sits
Lucy : 30 days baby till I become mrs Bradford
Tim : you thinker of who's gonna be your maid of honour
Lucy : yea actually I'm gonna ask genny  so your best man
Tim : yea I'm gonna ask Nolan and Jackson to be I know they've been by your side since day one and they are my friends too so I'm gonna ask them
Lucy : that's brilliant babe and when should we ask them
Tim : tomorrow baby
Lucy *cuddles up to him puts head in chest and closes eyes
Tim : I love you
Lucy : I love you too babe
Tim *kisses her forehead : goodnight baby
Lucy : night handsome *falls asleep
Tim *closes her eyes and falls asleep

* hope you enjoyed this chapter

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