Chapter 6

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*lucy and Tim talk

Lucy : Tim
Tim : yea
Lucy : a word privately
Tim : okay

*they walk into the locker room nobody is in there

Lucy : I had a nice talk with Aaron today saying something that Celina was worried about you and you had a fight with a Biker and you wouldn't call for backup
Tim : okay I can explain I did a mistake okay I'm sorry Luce I had a phone call today
Lucy : okay
Tim : it was Isabel she was at the emergency room I had to go to see what was happening she was taking right out had a talk with her
Lucy : that's why you had a fight with a biker
Tim : yea seeing her
Lucy : do you still love her you know you ex wife
Tim : no I love someone else
Lucy : you deserve someone who will love you no matter what
Tim : thanks and you deserve someone to
Lucy : I haven't found the right guy and the last guy I ended up with cheated so
Tim : I'll see you end of shift
Lucy : yea see you end of shift

*end of shift

Tim *changed out of his uniform into his normal clothes he leaves the station and goes to a bar

*in the bar

Tim : beer
Man : coming right up *gives it to him

*couple hours Tim had a lot of beers he was now drunk

Man : think you have had enough
Tim : no I haven't I said another beer
Man : Tim I know you somethings up I'm gonna call Lucy *callas Lucy

Lucy *groans grabs her phone it was 2am : hello
Man : hi Lucy
Lucy : who is this
Man : I'm from the dragon bar I'm here with your friend Tim he's very drunk and he won't leave
Lucy *got up straight away : I'll be there in 20
Man : okay see you soon *hangs up
Lucy *gets up gets dressed grabs her keys leaves the apartment goes to her car and drives off

*at the bar

Lucy *pulls up and goes in : Tim
Tim : h.ey Luce you should have a beer
Lucy : think it's time to go home Tim
Tim : y you a are so beautiful * touches her cheek
Lucy *blushes come on let's get you home *grabs his arm gets out of the bar opens the car door puts him in it and puts seatbelt over him and shuts the car door then she gets in the drivers side and drives to Tim's house

*at Tim's house

*she pulls up got Tim out of there unlocks the door and closes it puts him on the bed

Tim : you know your cute you I like this girl I have a crush on it's my best friend Lucy
Lucy *was shocked she loved Tim so much she didn't tell him because she thought he didn't feel the same way : oh
Tim *grabs her cheek : can I do something
Lucy : uh sure whatever you want
Tim *kisses her
Lucy *kisses back

*they kisses about 6 seconds

Tim *lays down closes his eyes and falls asleep
Lucy *was shocked she loved the kiss so much she puts the covers over him she gets in the bed next to him : goodnight Tim *kisses his forehead she closes her eyes and falls asleep

* will Tim remember what he did or will be forget find out next chapter

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