Chapter 11

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*the next morning Lucy wakes up

Lucy *wakes up sees Tim asleep and holding my hand I watch him sleep
Tim *wakes up sees Lucy : hey baby you ok
Lucy : I'm fine babe but sore
Tim : you remember what I asked you last night right
Lucy : yes I remember I was tired but I know I said yes boyfriend
Tim *laughs : good
Grey *knocks : officer Chen officer Bradford
Tim : sir
Lucy : sir
Grey : how are you feeling
Lucy : I feel sore but I'm okay sir did Aaron catch him I don't really remember
Grey : yes he tackled him and handcuffed him to the cupboard you have a good rookie
Lucy : well yea because I trained him sir when can I return to work
Tim : Luce you've just been shot
Grey : you know Tim is right but you can return to work when your back at home and ready to come back give it 4 days then you can tell me when you can come back
Tim : thank you sir
Lucy : thank you sir
Grey : you're welcome I should get back to the station I'll see you guys when you're back at the station
Lucy : see you soon sir
Tim : see you sir
Grey *leaves the room
Tim : we should tell him about us
Lucy : yea but when I'm back ok
Tim : okay can I ask you something
Lucy : of course
Tim : what would you think of me doing the sergeant exam
Lucy : I think you should do it babe
Tim : really
Lucy : yes I think you'll do well baby you know if you need help
Tim : I'll ask you baby
Lucy : good

*couple minutes later Lucy's parents comes to visit her and Tim finally meets them

Lucy *laughs at Tim's joke she stops till she sees her mom and dad
Tim : what's wrong
Vanessa : Lucy
Tim : who are they baby
Vanessa : who are you
Lucy : Tim meet my parents mom dad meet Tim my boyfriend
Tim *stands up : it's nice to meet you *puts hand out
Patrick *shakes it
Lucy : Tim sit down please
Tim : okay *stops shaking his hand and sits down
Lucy : what are you doing here how did you find out
Vanessa : we're your emergency contact well
Lucy : you're my 2nd in my emergency
Vanessa : who's your first
Lucy : Tim he has been since you told me that my job was a joke and you wanted me to become a doctor and that's not what I want mom to be a cop is always been my dream and now look at me I'm a training officer and I love it
Vanessa : yea and it got you shot Lucy
Lucy : well maybe if you listened to me not shout at me *she shouts DID YOU EVER ASKED ME HOW I FELT ABOUT IT NO *feels pain in her side she grabs Tim's hand
Tim : hey you're okay *I grab her shoulders and one of her hand : I'm Gonna ask you to calm down
Vanessa : oh really you want me to calm down what does he even do Lucy
Tim : I'm a cop ma'am
Vanessa : explains it All
Lucy : I want you to go
Vanessa : my pleasure
Patrick *kisses Lucy's forehead: call me ok anytime
Lucy : I will
*Patrick & Vanessa leaves the room and exits the hospital
Tim : now I know why you never mentioned your mom you're dad is nice
Lucy : yea my dad is nice my mom on the other hand isn't can I have a cuddle
Tim : I don't want to hurt you
Lucy : you won't come on my other side I don't get shot at
Tim : okay baby *gets in the bed puts arm around her
Lucy *puts head on his chest and cuddles into him and closes her eyes
Tim *wraps arms around her : sleep well beautiful
Lucy *falls asleep cuddled into him
Tim *was tired to he closes his eyes and falls asleep with Lucy's in his arms he knew she is safe in his arms

*next chapter be soon

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