Chapter 10

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Lucy *wakes up gets dressed grabs her bag and keys and phone she opens the apartment door and leaves the apartment to go to her car she heads to the station

*at the station

*Lucy goes in the locker room changes into her uniform

* in the roll call room

Lucy *enters the room Sits in the chair Tim isn't there yet
Tim *enters the room sits next to Lucy : Lucy
Lucy : Tim
Grey : okay listen up we have a missing child name Logan last seen at the park with his mother she looked away less then a minute then he was gone officer Chen and officer Thorsen you'll be on this you will speak to the mother is that clear
Lucy : yes sir
Grey : okay that's it be safe out there
Lucy : boot grabs the gear
Aaron : yes ma'am *goes to grab the gear
Tim : grab the gear boot
Celina : yes sir *goes to grab the gear leaving Tim and Lucy alone
Tim : you know I had fun last night
Lucy : yea me too
Tim : I hope we get to do it again officer chen
Lucy : yes we will do it again officer Bradford *i walks away
Tim *smiles and walks to his boot

*aaron puts the gear in the boot of the car

Lucy & Aaron drive to the mothers house

*Lucy pulls up

*they leave the car Lucy knocks the door

Lea *answers it : did you find him
Lucy : no ma'am we need to ask you some other questions officer Thorsen will be asking you the questions
Aaron : may we come in
Lea : of course *moves aside for them to Come in
Lucy & Aaron *walk in
Aaron : okay ma'am what was you son wearing
Lea : black T-shirt black trousers and a Spider-Man jumper
Lucy : this your son *sees a picture on the fireplace
Lea : yea
Lucy : who's this next to Logan
Lea : his father he's not here anymore he walked out on Logan when he was about 4
Lucy : what was his name
Lea : Peter cooper
Lucy : okay thank you if there is any chance that Peter Would have taken him has be been in contact with you
Lea : yes he wanted to meet Logan but I said no but he said if I didn't he I would pay
Aaron : is there a place he would go
Lea : him and Logan when he was 2 they used to Go to a building with video games at his old apartment *shows the location: it's on high street
Lucy : thanks ma'am boot let's go *leaves the house
Aaron : yes ma'am *leaves the house gets in the car
Lucy *gets in the car and drives to the location

*at the location

Lucy *gets out
Aaron *gets out

*they go inside the building

Lucy : LAPD open up Peter we know your in there
Aaron : what do we do we can't break it open without a warrant
Lucy : if Logan is there yes *grabs gun
Aaron *grabs gun
Lucy *breaks it open with her foot : go that way I'll go check the other side
Aaron : yea ma'am *opens bathroom door : clear
Lucy *opens bedroom door : clear
Aaron *opens bedroom door sees Logan : found him : hey buddy you're gonna be okay we found you
Lucy : Peter is here stay with Logan *goes to the final bathroom open it
Peter *shoots her
Aaron *hears a bang : officer Chen are you ok
Peter *runs
Aaron *tackles him you're under arrest hand cuffs him to the cupboard sees Lucy runs to her grabs radio : 7-19 we need ambulance at our location officer down shot I repeat officer down officer Chen has been shot

*Tim was 4 minutes away from where Lucy and Aaron was but Tim didn't even think twice he drove to the location

*Tim and Celina ran inside

Lucy *coughs : T... the k... kid
Aaron : he's okay he's fine
Tim *ran in ran to Lucy : babe I'm here I'm here
Lucy : get the kid back to his mother p please
Tim : we will
Bailey : coming through okay Lucy stay with us your gonna be okay

*they put Lucy on the bed put her in the back of the ambulance and head the hospital Tim came with the ambulance

*aaron was taking Peter to the station

*Celina took Logan back to his mother

*in the hospital

Bailey : female officer Lucy Chen she got shot to her side we kept pressure to it
Grace : okay get her to surgery officer Bradford please wait out there

*Tim did wait they were doing surgery Tim was getting anxious he was worried she was gonna die on their second date Tim was gonna ask her to be his girlfriend
Angela : Tim how is she
Tim : no idea they aren't telling me anything
Nolan : she okay
Jackson: came as fast as I heard
Grace : officer Bradford
Tim : yes
Grace : she's gonna be okay she's gonna be soar for a couple of days but she's gonna be okay you see her now
Tim : thank you
Grace : you're welcome room 23
Tim *Tim went to her room opened it to see Lucy laying there unconscious pale closed the door and goes to sit by the chair where the bed is sits down and holds her hand : Luce it's me I don't know if you can hear me but I can't lose you if I lose you I don't think I can live without you on our second date I was gonna ask you something but may as well now Lucy will you be my girlfriend
Lucy *opens her eyes looks at Tim groans and hears him : y yes I will
Tim : baby babe
Lucy : hey you yes I'll be your girlfriend
Tim *kisses her
Lucy *kisses back
Tim : glad your ok get some rest
Lucy : okay *closes her eyes falls asleep
Tim *was glad she was okay he now has a girlfriend and she was his soulmate he eventually fell asleep in the chair

*next chapter will be sergeant grey be visiting Lucy and Tim has never meet Lucy's parents but they turn up what will Lucy do

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