Chapter 17

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*the next morning

*Tim in the shower and Lucy was in the bedroom getting dressed

Lucy *gets dressed her phone goes off it's genny
Genny - hey you up for a girls trip you and me
Lucy - uh sure when
Genny - today you'll be back tomorrow
Lucy - yea okay I'll have to tell your brother
Genny - of course I'll pick you up in a hour
Lucy - okay see you soon

*Lucy had some breakfast Tim was till in the shower

Tim *gets out of the shower and gets changed comes out of the bathroom: hey baby
Lucy : hey babe me and genny were going to have a girls trip today I'll be back tomorrow you're okay with it
Tim : of course I'm okay with it just be safe
Lucy : I always am babe plus I have my off duty weapon
Tim : good

*couple minutes later genny picked up Lucy Tim kisses her and wave goodbye and Tim was even more nervous now he is gonna tell Angela

Tim - meet me at the mall I was gonna tell you at the station but it's your day off
Angela - on my way this better be important

*Tim grabs his keys and phone and heads to his car and drives to the mall

*at the mall

*Tim pulls up and leaves the car and waits for Angela *pulls up get out of the car heads to Tim : hey what's up
Tim : I'm guessing you're wondering why we're here
Angela : yea
Tim : I'm gonna propose to Lucy
Angela : no way are you serious
Tim : yes and I need your help to pick a ring
Angela : of course let's go

*inside the engagement store

Man : hi if you need any help just let me know
Tim : Will do thanks
Angela : what about this ring

Man : hi if you need any help just let me know Tim : Will do thanks Angela : what about this ring

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*Angela shows Tim this ring
Tim : no that's not the one
Angela : what about this

Tim : Ang I we've found the one Angela : you sure Tim : yes one hundred percent *Tim pays for the ring Man : here you go and congratulations Tim : thanks haven't asked her yet

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Tim : Ang I we've found the one
Angela : you sure
Tim : yes one hundred percent *Tim pays for the ring
Man : here you go and congratulations
Tim : thanks haven't asked her yet

*Tim and Angela say goodbye Tim drives to the apartment

*Tim enters the apartment he needs to hide the ring he goes by his bag Lucy never goes in there he puts the ring in there
Tim *sends pictures to genny
Genny - wow amazing have you hide it and when are you gonna do it
Tim : I'm gonna do it in a couple of days I'm excited
Genny : I bet you are goodnight Tim
Tim : nigh Gen

*Tim has a shower and gets changed into some boxers and a T-shirt and gets in bed and texts Lucy - goodnight baby I can't wait to see you tomorrow
Lucy - can't wait to see you tomorrow too babe miss you
Tim - ❤️

* little didn't Lucy know Tim is gonna propose to her in 2 days and Tim is nervous and exited

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