Chapter 19

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* the next morning

Lucy *wakes up on Tim's naked chest
Tim *puts hand through her hair
Lucy : good morning babe
Tim : morning baby
Lucy : you know this is the first morning as your fiancé
Tim : yes it is baby *kisses her shoulder
Lucy *giggles
Tim : we should take a shower
Lucy : yea we should

*they get up and take a shower they had to be quick because they are running late for work

*they got out of the shower they changed into their clothes they grabbed their back and keys they head to the car and get in and drives to the station

*at the station

*Lucy goes in the locker room and changes into her uniform

Tim *goes into his locker room and changes into his uniform

* in the roll call room

Grey : officer Bradford has a announcement so
Tim : actually it's to do with me and officer Chen we thought you should know me and officer Chen are engaged
Aaron: what no way
Celina : no way
Jackson : about time guys congrats
Nolan : congrats
Grey : congratulations officer Bradford and officer Chen
Lucy : thank you sir
Tim : thanks sir
Grey : okay as that's done officer Bradford has passed the sergeant exam and he will be a new sergeant in a couple of weeks so congratulations and that's it really be safe out there
Lucy : congrats babe
Tim : thank you baby *kisses her cheek : boot gear
Celina : yes sir *goes to grabs the gear
Aaron *goes to grab the gear

*with Aaron and Lucy

Aaron : congratulations on the engagement when did he do it
Lucy : yesterday I wasn't expecting it
Aaron : you know what date you want to do it
Lucy : no I don't know we've got plenty of time right
Aaron : yea of course just book this year
Lucy : you're right so you become a P2 in 2 weeks
Aaron : yea that means I we won't be having our conversation I'll miss it
Lucy : you're only going to hear me this one time I'll miss it too
Aaron *laughs : yes ma'am good luck with the new rookies
Lucy : yea me and Nolan will be the only training officers after Tim becomes a Sargent he won't be a training officer
Aaron : mmm yea guess that's it

*meanwhile with Tim and Celina

Celina : you know I become a P2 in a few weeks
Tim : yes and
Celina : aren't you gonna miss it
Tim : it's a job not happy hour and I'll have someone else annoying me
Celina : so the engagement
Tim : yea boot we don't talk about my personal stuff okay
Celina : yes sir

*meanwhile with Lucy and Aaron

Man *shoots gun
Lucy *pulls over grabs gun and gets out : put the gun down
Aaron *gets out of the car and grabs gun and points it
Man *grabs woman and had a gun and points gun at Lucy
Lucy : put the gun down sir boot
Aaron : yea
Lucy : call for backup now
Aaron *grabs radio : 7-100 we need back up at our location we have a hostage situation man with gun has a woman me and officer Chen have him but we need 2 more officers
Tim : copy that responding
Aaron *points gun
Tim *pulls up
Tim *gets out and point gun
Celina *gets out and points gun at him
Lucy : you're surrounded *starts waking to him : you see you can't go nowhere now let the girl go
Man *let her go
Woman *ran to someone
Lucy : now hand the gun to my rookie
Man *hands it to him
Aaron *takes the gun
Lucy : hand behind your head
Man *does it
Lucy *grabs cuffs and handcuffs him : Aaron put him in the shop
Aaron : yes ma'am *grabs his arm open the back door puts him in it then puts the gun in a bag puts it in the boot of the car
Tim : glad your okay baby
Lucy : hey I can handle myself mr Bradford
Tim : oh can you mrs Chen
Lucy : I'll see you at break
Tim : yea you will

*Aaron and Lucy took that man to the station it was their break they head to get their food

*at the food truck

Tim : hey baby *sits down
Jackson : hey guys *sits down
Nolan *sits down : hey
Lucy : hey guys *kisses Tim's cheek
Tim : long day
Jackson : yea
Nolan : yes
Lucy : can't believe they become a P2 in 2 weeks babe
Tim : I know it's crazy
Lucy : I'll miss Aaron taking about my personal life
Tim : let me guess about me
Lucy : maybe

*they had lunch their break was over

*it wasn't a bad shift they only had 3 calls it was now end of shift

*Tim and Lucy got changed out of their uniforms and head to the car head to the apartment

*at the apartment

Lucy *opens door and walks in puts bag on floor
Tim *walks in closes door and puts bag on floor
Lucy : beer *puts lights on
Tim : yea *heads to the couch and sits
Lucy *opens 2 beer and heads to the couch gives it to him and sits down
Tim *grabs the beer and drinks it
Lucy : can we talk
Tim : oh no I don't like the sound of that
Lucy : no nothing bad
Tim : sure go ahead
Lucy : the wedding we need to find a venue to get married we have to find one before it's too late babe
Tim : don't worry we will I promise
Lucy : okay *sips the beer : top Chef
Tim : yes
Lucy *puts her back against him
Tim *puts arm around her

*they watched the episode together

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