Chapter 15

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*the next morning Lucy was awake at 5am she gets up and showered and then gets dressed

Tim *alarm goes of gets in the shower and dressed heads to the kitchen: baby
Lucy : yea Morning
Tim : how long you been up for
Lucy : 5am I really exited to be back
Tim : bet you are
*they grab Tim's keys and head to the station

*Lucy goes in the lockers room change into her uniform and goes in the roll room

* in the roll room

*everyone claps

Lucy *sits next to Tim
Grey : welcome back officer Chen
Lucy : it's good to be back sir good to get out there
Grey : good okay we have no cases midnight shifts sorted okay be safe out there

*Celina gets the gear and goes

Aaron *gets the gear

Lucy *drives
Aaron : it's good to have you back
Lucy : yea it is it's good to be back boot
Aaron : so you at Tim
Lucy : you're Lucky you are you not some other boot because I wouldn't discuss my personal life me and Tim are together
Aaron : so you listened to my advice
Lucy : maybe I did
Aaron : in a couple of weeks I'm a P2 gonna miss riding with you
Lucy : back at you

* it's been quite all day for them nothing major happened

*meanwhile with Tim and Celina

*at the station

Tim : sir you said you needed to talk to me
Grey : you're scores come in you passes the Sargent exam
Tim : really oh my
Celina : i knew it congratulations Sargent Bradford
Tim : not a Sargent yet it'll take six months or so
Grey : actually there's a position opening in north Hollywood captain there owes me a big favour if you want I can make it happen you start in
Celina : two weeks
Tim : can I think about this overnight
Grey : yea of course but there's no guarantee you'll get a better opportunity

*at Tim's house

* Tim  talks to Lucy 

Tim *was thinking hard
Lucy : what's got you thinking so hard
Tim : uh nothing
Lucy : talk to me
Tim : I passed the Sargent exam
Lucy : oh my god congratulations *I go to him I kiss him
Tim : thanks uh *pulls away from the kiss : there's an opportunity for me for the Sargent exam
Lucy : okay that's exciting
Tim : mm
Lucy : it is isn't it
Tim  : it's in north Hollywood
Lucy : that's uh amazing
Tim : I'm thinking
Lucy : it's your choice baby and I'll respect it
Tim *kisses her cheek they cuddle up till the morning

*the next morning

*Lucy and Tim got ready to leave the house they enter the station change into their uniform

*Aaron grab the gear and puts it in the boot of the shop

*Celina did the same

*meanwhile Lucy and Aaron was called to a scene

*they go to the scene

Lucy *goes in the building : split up I'll go left you go right
Aaron : yes ma'am *goes the right side
Lucy *goes the right side goes in a room : clear
Aaron *goes in the room: clear
Lucy *goes in the last direction it's an open door
Man *punches her behind
Lucy *grabs him punches him
Man *grabs her throat
Lucy *struggles to breathe
Aaron *aaron side was clear he goes to check on her sees a man grabs her throat grabs his taser and pulls it
Man *goes falls to the floor
Lucy *coughs : thanks
Aaron *cuffs him : no problem *grabs his radio : suspect in custody

*they take him to station

*it was the end of their shift

Aaron : you okay
Lucy : Tim passes the Sargent exam
Aaron: that's good
Lucy : yea it is he got a offer to become a Sargent in north Hollywood
Aaron : he take it
Lucy : he's thinking about it
Aaron : you're worried that you won't see each other that much as now
Lucy : yea there's gonna be different shifts anyway I'll see you tomorrow boot
Aaron : yes ma'am

* at Tim's house

*on the couch

Lucy : I heard about Devon and the shop what you did
Tim : yea I did what I did baby
Lucy : north Hollywood is lucky to have a Sargent like you coming in
Tim : actually I uh told Grey I'm not interested in moving up just yet
Lucy : what are you holding out for Malibu
Tim : Tim Bradford finishes what he starts I haven't finished training Celina yet and I'll
Miss you at the station
Lucy : no you haven't and I would miss that little smirk of yours
Tim *laughs
Lucy : you are gonna move up at some point though right Because I put a lot of time into those books on tape
Tim *smiles at her : yeah
Lucy *cuddles into him
Tim *wraps arms around her

*they cuddled watching top chef all night

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