Chapter 4

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* couple days later Tim was discharged from the hospital

*at his house

Lucy *puts water and some medication by the side of him : make sure you take them and drink the water with them if you are in pain
Tim : Luce this isn't my first time getting shot
Lucy : I know I just want you to be comfortable and not in pain
Tim : I'm okay Luce who has my rookie today
Lucy : me and Nolan has mine
Tim : oh Nolan's first rookie as a training officer oh good luck with Celina
Lucy : oh don't worry I'll be ok and I can handle her call me if you need anything
Tim : I promise

* at the station

*in the roll room

Grey : as you can see officer Bradford isn't here he got shot but he's ok officer Chen how is he
Lucy : he's doing ok sir he's getting there
Grey : ok officer Thorsen you will be switching training officers today you will be with officer Nolan and Celina you will be with officer Chen and Jackson you'll be on desk duty ok be safe out there

*with Lucy and Celina

Lucy *stops car : where am I boot I've been shot
Celina : high street
Lucy : mm good Tim is a good T'O
Celina : yes ma'am
Woman on radio : 7-100 we have fires shot in a alley
Celina : copy that responding
Lucy *drives there

*at the location

Lucy *pulls up gets out grabs gun
Celina *gets out and grabs gun
Man *punches Lucy
Lucy *fighting him
Celina *grabs gun and nearly shots Lucy
Lucy : we will talk about this Later *grabs handcuff's and cuffs him

*at the station

Lucy : Juraz a word
Celina : wish me luck
Aaron : good luck

*with Celina and Lucy

Celina : yea ma'am
Lucy : you could have gotten my killed
Celina : I know ma'am and I'm sorry it won't happen again
Lucy : how do I know that next time your with officer Bradford and you shoot i could be Tim
Celina : I don't know ma'am
Lucy : if this happens again I'll have to call it in
Celina : are you telling officer Bradford
Lucy : I don't know I'll have to think you can go
Celina *leaves

Lucy *goes in the Break room

Angela : hey what's wrong
Lucy : I need your advice and I don't know what to do I had Tim's rookie today
Angela: okay how'd it go
Lucy : a man punched me and me to the floor Celina shot the gun and it nearly hit me should I tell Tim
Angela : you should tell Tim because he is her training officer and she has a lot to learn tell him
Lucy : yea thanks for the advice
Angela : no problem anyway I'm doing an exam to be a detective
Lucy ; congrats you'll do good on the exam
Angela : yea I hope so I'll see you later
Lucy : yea see you

*at the end of her shift she goes to Tim's house

Lucy *walks in
Tim : hey
Lucy : hi *sits on the couch
Tim : how was my rookie
Lucy : she was ok good
Tim : Lucy I know when your lying talk
Lucy : okay there was a shooting in a alley someone from the building punched me then Celina shoot her gun it nearly hit me but I'm okay
Tim : oh my god are you sure you're okay * touches her cheek
Lucy : I'm fine but she has a lot to learn Tim
Tim : when I'm back at work I'm gonna have a chat with her
Lucy : I'm okay how was your day
Tim : Boring just watched rams game and that's it missed my best friend
Lucy *kisses his cheek
Tim : wanna watch something with me 911 long star
Lucy : yes yes yes * I sit next to him
Tim *laughs and watches it

*posting the next chapter soon

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