Chapter 27

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Man : please welcome mr and mrs Bradford

*they walk in

*they had a cake they cut it together

Man : now the first dance

Tim : may I mrs Bradford
Lucy : you may mr Bradford *puts hand on his shoulder and on in his hand
Tim *puts one hand on her hip and one hand in her hand
*music start they dance to the song perfect
Lucy : you know I'm mrs Bradford now
Tim : yea I know
Lucy : that means I'm now officer Bradford
Tim : yea it does baby I love you
Lucy : and I love you too babe

*the song ended it was Time for the speeches

*Lucy & Tim sit down

Jackson *grabs the microphone: I meet Lucy before she become a training officer she had some other relationships but not serious I've never seen her this happy but when I meet Tim he was always grumpy and moody but till he meet Lucy she changed him and I'm happy they they are happy so cheers to Tim and Lucy
*everyone cheers to Tim and Lucy
Jackson *hugs Lucy
Lucy *hugs back
Jackson *hugs Tim
Tim *hugs back
Nolan *grabs the microphone:I've see Lucy in different relationships but with Tim I've never seen her so happy and with Tim he was always moody and grumpy till Lucy came into his life Lucy changed him so cheers
*everyone cheers to them
*Nolan hugs Tim and Lucy they hugged back
Angela *grabs the microphone : I've known Tim since I came into the department he was divorced to Isabel and he was always grumpy till Lucy came alone she always put a smile on his face and makes him laugh I knew one day they were gonna get together and I can't wait for them to have kids of their own own day
Tim *chokes on his drink when she mentions kids
Lucy : you okay
Tim : yea
Angela : so cheers to Lucy and Tim
*everyone cheers to them
Angela *hugs Tim
Tim *hugs back
Angela *hugs Lucy
Lucy *hugs back
Tamara *grabs the microphone: hi I'm Tamara I know some of you don't know me but when I met Lucy I stole her car to sleep in I was homeless and I didn't have anywhere to sleep she gave me her car I was thankful but I sold her car for clothes but Lucy offered me her apartment I said yes of course but If it wasn't for Lucy I wouldn't be here now but when Lucy told me about Tim I knew she was gonna marry him one day so here to Tim and Lucy
*everyone cheers to them
Tamara *hugs tim
Tim *hugs back
Tamara *hugs Lucy
Lucy *hugs back
Harper *grabs the microphone: when I meet these two I knew they were right for each other but I was waiting till they got together and I'm so happy they were dating and now they are husband and wife so cheers
*everyone cheers to them
Harper *hugs Tim
Tim *hugs back
Harper *hugs Lucy
Lucy *hugs back
Genny *grabs the microphone : when I met Lucy she was in a bad relationship but then I introduced her to my big brother Tim they had a connection they become best friends I knew one day Tim and Lucy was gonna tell me they are dating and they did couple weeks ago we sat down at a coffee shop they told me but when Lucy walked away Tim told me he was gonna propose to her and I was so happy and I'm looking forward what's next for the future for them maybe kids cheers to Tim and Lucy
Genny *hugs Tim
Tim *hugs back
Genny *hugs Lucy
Lucy *hugs back

*but Lucy looked around her parents never showed up she was devastated but she had everyone she wanted here

Grey *grabs the microphone: hi I'm Wade Grey you know me as Sargent grey Lucy asked me a couple of weeks ago to walk her down the isle of course I said yes and I couldn't be happier to walk her down the isle to give her away to Tim I've never seen Tim or Lucy this happy so cheers to Tim and Lucy
Grey *shakes Tim's hand
Tim *shakes back
Grey *shakes Lucy's hand
Lucy *shakes hand back

Man : now it's time for the wife and husband speech lady's first
Lucy *grabs the microphone: hi when I meet Tim I could feel something but I ignored it but when I moved back to LA I knew something was there till someone told me to tell him how I feel if your wondering who my rookie Aaron Thorsen and I did we went on our first date and it was good and we was nervous but if you look around you don't see my parents right well they don't approve of me being a cop and dating a cop but I went to their house a couple days ago told
Them they can come to the wedding but if they didn't watch their daughter get married that's gonna be the mistake of their life and I guess they didn't care because they aren't here but this man right here changed me he told me that nobody can't stop him loving me and you Timothy Branford are the love of my life and I love you babe * I kiss his cheek
Tim *smiles takes the microphone from her : I've had a rough past I had a divorce and something happened to me in my childhood I told Lucy and she looked at me and told me she doesn't care she loves me for who I am and I can't believe I'm saying this your my wife and I can't wait for what the future holds for us

*they clap

*everyone party all night and drink celebrating Tim and Lucy's wedding

*hope you liked this chapter

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