Chapter 37

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* the next day

*Lucy was still in the hospital she was getting discharged today at 2

Tim *walks in : hey baby
Lucy : hey * I'm holding Noah I'm feeding him
Tim : Noah okay
Lucy : yea just feeding him baby
Tim : okay *I kiss her forehead

*couldn't minutes later they get discharged head to Tim's house as they had everything at his house

*Tim puts Noah in the car seat and gets in the car Lucy in the back of the car making sure Noah is okay

*at Tim's house

Tim *gets out goes to Noah takes the car seat out and open Lucy's door
Lucy  *gets out of the car door shuts in
Tim *opens the front door and walk in
Lucy *walks in shuts it
Tim : babe you remember when I wasn't with you a couple of days ago
Lucy : yea
Tim : well me and Tamara did something * I walk to the bedroom I open it
Lucy : oh my god this is amazing
Tim *takes Noah  out of the car seat and puts him in the crib
Tim : I've got the baby monitor set up already
Lucy : you're a live saver
Tim : well I had Nolan to do it
Lucy : of course love you
Tim : I love you too Let's leave him to sleep *we leave the room close it and goes to the couch
Lucy *puts head on Tim's lap
Tim *puts the tv on turns the tv down so it doesn't wake Noah up I put my hands through Lucy's hair I can tell she's sleepy I'm gonna ask her to move in with me and I'm excited

*couple minutes later

Lucy *wakes up hears Noah crying I get up head to Noah room I pick him up I go to grab the milk and I feed him : hey bud that better *I sit down
Tim *wakes up feels Lucy not there gets up I head to Noah's room : hey
Lucy : hey babe
Tim *goes to then : how's he doing
Lucy : he's okay he was hungry isn't that right Noah
Tim *laughs : I want to ask you something
Lucy : oh okay
Tim : as you know we have a kid now
Lucy : yea
Tim : I was wondering if you'd move in with me
Lucy : Tim what about Tamara
Tim : she can move in too I've already spoken to her she's okay with it
Lucy : okay we will move in with you
Tim *kneels down kisses her forehead and kisses Noah's forehead

*they were happy they had their little family just missing someone Tamara they move in together in the next chapter

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