chapter 3: hanging out

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I wait in Lucas's car,leaning on the door. He's taking so long to say goodbye to abby.

“Hurry it up love birds,i got pizza waiting” i say trying to embarrass them
Which works because Abby and lucas are both red in the face,lucas finally walks over and opens the door for me,what a gentleman,when he wants to be.

After he lets me in and closes the door softly trying not to scrape the paint. He gets in and starts the car,blasting juice world on the stereo, so like normal we jam out.

“See you finally learned the words” he says with a smirk

“Yeah,so what,gotta have a problem with it?” i ask in a playful tone

“No, not at all” he says still smiling

“Ok then” I said pulling out my phone, it vibrated at the same time I was pulling it out. It was a message from Tucker

Hey babe i have a question?

Oh no, those words are never good. I wonder what he wants.


Can I have your permission to go to Dominic's party tonight?

Who’s all going?

Jesse,monica,dominic,and noah

yeah , you can go,just don’t drink please

Okay,thanks baby love you<3

Love you too, have fun!<3

I open the messages between jesse and I and start typing

Hey,I have a favor to ask?
He replied as soon as i sent it


Can you keep an eye on Tucker just to make sure he doesn’t drink?

Yes of course I can,hey wanna hear a joke?


Why is a piano and a fish different?


Cause you can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish

Lol that was funny but so cringy, anyway gotta go thanks btw J

No problem anything for my friend

“Why are you laughing so much?” lucas asks confused

“Something J said”i say putting my phone down

“Oh,was it another dad joke?” lucas asks

“Yeah” i say looking at lucas

“Thought so, anyway were here” lucas says while turning off the car

“Oh sweet,so am I staying at your place,or mine?” i ask while getting out of the car

“Mine,because your dad is crazy” lucas says

“He only killed,like one person this week” i say playfully

“and , thats why were going  to mine” lucas says opening his front door

“Lol,let me text my dad and tell him where i am going to be for the weekend” i say pulling out my phone

Hey dad

Hello child of mine,how was school?

Good and how was work?

Fan fucking tastic

As always lol, anyway i'm staying with lucas for the weekend

Okay just make sure to be home at 6 on sunday and do you have your pepper spray?

Yes i do, but he has a girlfriend and i have a boyfriend and he's not gonna try anything

Good he better not and got to go mom is done with dinner,love you kid

Love you too dad

“Do you want to watch a movie?” lucas asks

“Sure,why not what movie? And no star wars” i said

“Awww,fine, how about venom?” he asks with pleading eyes

“Alright,i'll make popcorn” i say heading to the kitchen

“Ight,hurry up” lucas says while putting the movie in the DVD player

After the popcorn finished popping,I took it out and poured it into a big blue bowl and carried it to the living room where Lucas was waiting,remote in hand.

“Took you long enough” he says pushing the play button on the remote

“I was gone for a minute mister pushy” i say throwing some popcorn at him

“Hey” he says throwing a popcorn back at me

We were having a popcorn battle, and we ran out of ammo so I switched to pillows. I literally hit him with a pillow, knocking him off balance.


“Oh so you think this is funny?” lucas asks

“Yes,very much so” i say still laughing

Before I know it he starts hitting me with the pillow he somehow got in his hands without me knowing.

I tried to block with my pillow but his hand caught it mid hit and he threw it across the room,leaving me without a defense.

So I tickled his sides which resulted in him cursing me while curving his back. I took my chance,grabbed his pillow and got on top of him.

“Surrender or else” i say putting the pillow in a batting position

“Or else what” he says with a smirk

“I.. i haven't thought that far'' i say
In return he flipped me over holding my hands above my head, throwing the pillow behind him.

“Sucks to be you then” he says while tickling me making me fight to free my hands

“Ah,stop it i give up, you win, you win” i say pleading to end the torture

He stops and starts to stare again looking into my eyes, I stare back and this goes on for 5 seconds. 

Should i just say fuck it and kiss him, i mean his face is two inches away from mine, so why don’t i?

Wait, what am I thinking?, we both have a girlfriend and boyfriend and we don’t cheat.

“You, good?” i ask him

“Huh,oh right sorry” he says letting go of my hands

I point to the tv “we missed the movie” i say

“So we did” he says getting up and helping me to my feet in the process

“We should probably go upstairs so we dont wake zane” he says going up stairs

“Okay” i say following

We go into his room and I plop down on the bed making the dog that I had no idea was there, go up.

“Oh shit sorry leia, didn't see you there” i say apologizing

“Don’t kill my dog please” lucas says while laughing

For the next hour, Lucas and I watched tiktok, and we also made lots of sexual jokes towards each other, only kidding of course.  Soon he falls asleep on my stomach and I play with his hair,falling asleep in the process.

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