chapter 19

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Lily's pov:

The next couple of months felt like a dream. We walk the halls of school hand in hand and almost immediately. All our friends knew what was going on.

To our surprise, they supported the relationship entirely and even saw it coming, which is good. We were inseparable, always by each other and always all over each other.

I can't help it, he just looks so cute and sweet. How could I not. The hunger of wanting my hands all over him grows and sometimes I just can't help myself.

But today, I woke up feeling so sick, so I just wrote it off as me not eating. Then the feeling didn't go away and I ended up throwing up.

I felt so tired and sick so naturally I called Lucas.


"Hi beautiful" Lucas says

"hi handsome" I say

" what's wrong? You sound weird" Lucas asks concerned

" I just feel a bit sick that's all" I say with a weak smile

" Hold on I'm on my way" Lucas says while hanging up the phone.

A few minutes later I hear the front door open and running coming up the stairs.

A frantic Lucas all red in the face opens my door and almost instantly comes running towards me.

"I'm fine love" I say giving him a hug

"well I just wanted to see for myself" Lucas says with a smile

"I'll just stay home today, and if it gets worse I'll go to the doctors tomorrow" I say trying to reassure him

" okay deal" Lucas says while still holding me.

"now it's time for a cuddle attack and then I'll go make you some soup" Lucas says while tackling me

I waited until later that night to talk to my mom about going to the doctors because I still felt sick.

She called the doctor's office and set up an appointment for tomorrow.

I told Lucas about it and he said he would go with me, but he has school. I said it was fine and that all that the doctor is going to say that I need to rest.

The next day I got dressed and headed straight for my appointment.

The doctor is super nice, asks if I'm okay and even offers me a sucker.

Which I would have taken if I didn't feel so nauseous.

" Doc, I have been feeling really nauseous lately and tired all the time." I say

"Lily may I speak with you in private" doctor asks

My mom leaves the room and goes out into the waiting room. I ask the doctor what's wrong and why did my mom have to leave.

"Lily, have you been sexually active?" The doctor asks

"Yes" I say

"I would like you to take this test, all you have to do is pee in this cup and then I will determine the results" the doctor says.

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