1. new home

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Liams pov

I am doing graffiti and i see the cops. Shit! I start running again but they know how to catch me. They drive me to the social worker again.

"Liam? You have to stop running away" she says. "Do i need to go back to them?" I ask. "No they didn't want you back" ouch. "But there are people waiting outside. They are you last change or you'll have to live in the orphanage Liam. They're nice people and run a foster home" she says.

She brings me to a man and woman. They look nice but i don't trust anyone. We get in the car and we arrive at a house. Its old and looks like it can break any moment now.

We get out and get inside the house. "Is that Liam?" A little girl asks. "Yes. Uh liam this is Hailey but don't mess with her cus her brother is right over there!" Rosa points at a boy with black hair. He is drawing.

We go upstairs and i hear yelling. "Shut up Louis!" I hear an Irish voice yelling. We get in the room. "Come on Nialler it will be fun!" "No Louis! I am not going to a stupid party if i can get money by making someones elses homework!" "Nerd!" They stick out there middle finger.

"So these are the brothers Horan. That is Niall and that is Louis. Also the lad next to him is Harry" they look up and wave.

"Do i need to share my room? I mean he can go to Zayn" niall says. "No you need to share" rosa says sternly. "Fine"

"Hurt my baby brother and you are dead Liam" Louis warns me. "ASSHOLE!" Niall yells at him.

The boy turns to me and he has beautiful blue eyes. The sky is not even as blue as his, he has very blond almost white hair but he painted it. He has braces and glasses. He is very cute and obviously a nerd.

"What ya staring at?" He asks with a little grin. "The room" i say. He laughs and continue doing what he was doing.

Nialls pov

He is very handsome and probably not into me. I am ugly and fat. Why would he want me? My personality sucks too. My social skills are zero. Non na da! I am the weirdo of my class, maybe the whole school.

"DINNER READY!" Victor calls from down the stairs. Louis burst in again and basically drags me down. He know i wouldn't have come other wise.

"All hands on deck!" Victor says. We all put our hands ontop of each others. Except Liams hand, disrespectful no not at all. "Thank you lord for this food even tho it isn't meat and thank you for this family. Amen!" Everyone starts to eat.

"2 truths and a lie?" Hailey asks us. "Sure! You start" zayn says. "I am in 2th grade, i want to play in movies when i am older and i do like school" she says. "Liam you go first!" Victor says. "Like school" he says. We all give our answers and go a few more rounds.

I didn't take a bite yet. I am just not hungry. "Niall? Sweety? Eat please" Rosa says. I take a few bites and then i slide my plate away. "I am going to my room. Nigh everyone" i say. I walk to my room and lay down.

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