4. your an asshole

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Nialls pov

I walk to the roof and sit down. I just look at the sky. I can climb on the roof through my window. Someone comes to me.

"Why do you hate Liam so much?" I look next to me and see Hailey. "Why are you on the roof?" I ask her. "Cus i had to tell you that your an asshole to Liam" she says.

"He is the asshole here" i say. "He tries to stay nice. You don't. Does he remind you of Nick?" She asks. "No! Nick was not an asshole. Nick was nice and gentle" i tell her.

I am a little mad at her for starting about Nick. Nick lived here before Liam. We were a couple and everyone was happy. We shared our room and stuff. He killed himself 1 month ago. He was 1 of the few reasons i try to survive.

"He is dead okay? He isn't here anymore! He broke up with my by committing suicide okay? Leave me alone" i tell her a bit angry.

Haileys pov

I feel tears so i run off to Zayn. "He hates me!" I tell zayn. "Wait who do i need to kick?" He asks and I giggle a little. "No but who has made you sad?" I look down. "Niall" he looks at me confused.

"He never gets mad at you" Zayn says. "I started about Nick" i say sad. "Hailey you know he doesn't like that" Zayn says hugging me. "But doesn't liam remind you a little bit of nick?" I ask him.

"The stubborn thing and all? Yes but we can't tell Niall that. You know why" he says and i nod.

I hear a knock and Zayn opens the door. Its Harry and Louis. "Okay so it is either a dead Liam tomorrow or alive one but will be killed" louis says. "He is mad at me for telling the truth" i say.

We sit down and Victor walks in. "Hailey you need to go to bed come on!" I look at Zayn and he nods. "Niall is mad at me can i tell him good night" i say. He nods and we walk to Nialls room.

He clearly had a panic attack after i left cus the room is a mess. We don't see him. Victor runs to the bathroom and i get Louis.

"I found him!" Victor says. Thank you god. "Is he okay?" We run to him and he is sitting. He has blood but not a lot.

He did it again. I turn to Zayn who hugs me again. "Is he gonna be okay?" Louis asks. "Yeah he will" Rose says. We all get pushed out the room. "Niall is gonna die isn't he?" I ask a bit scared. "He survived worse Hailey! He really did" Louis says.

"That doesn't make me feel any better to be honest" i say. "I know" Niall comes out the room and he has bandage around his arm so it wasnt his wrist. Thats a good thing. He is still a little pale but he has a bit more coller. Louis hits the back of Nialls head.

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