11. what happened

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Nialls pov

"Hey!" He says. "I am not letting you drink again! Luke will break up with you and you won't forgive yourself" i say.

We sit down on the couch. I just lay against him and i slowly fall asleep.

Ashtons pov

Niall fell asleep on my lap. I text the lads to come over and they have keys so they come in.

"Ash it is 4.30 in the morning you better have a goo- is that Niall?" Connor asks and i nod. The past month he hasn't been talking to us or come to us.

"He was dealing at the party and then ran away. Than he came here" i explain. "He was dealing?" Michael asks not believing me. "Yeah. For Josh, josh doesn't know who Nialls boss is" i say.

"He looks like someone well... had hurt him" luke says. "I know. Can we all just sleep here?" They nod and we all fall asleep.

11 am
Nialls pov

I wake up and see all the lads are still asleep. I don't remember them coming. Well i did fall asleep on Ashtons lap. I check my phone and see missed messages from my dad. I just ignore them. I don't feel like eating so i just scroll through tik tok till i see angry texts from louis.

Louis: we are going to talk!

Louis: answer me!

Louis: are you alive?

Louis: i will murder you if you don't come home Sunday!

Niall: i will be home soon. I am with the lads. I know we need to talk but i don't really feel like it

I put away my phone and grab a lighter. I put it against my skin but someone grabs it away. Its james! Great!

"Niall can we talk about this?" The others woke up now too so great. They come to us and i look at ash for help but he shakes his head.

I tell them what happened and they look at me confused and mad. I didn't tell them the part where i got raped. They will be mad then. "Ni? You can always come to us! No matter what. We always liked you over nick" connor says. It does make me feel a little better.

Ash drives me home. I put on make up so you don't see my eye that is black. I get in the house and yell that i am back. Hailey hugs me but it still hurts a lot. Louis drags me to his room.

"Tell me the truth" he says sternly. "I slept at ashons" i say. "Why would you deal?!" He asks way more worried than angry. "Dad..." i say he looks at me. He now is angry. "He forces you to do that. Take off your make up!" He says and i do. He gasps and i look down.

"I don't want anyone to know to be honest" i say with tears in my eyes. Louis hugs me. "If i don't do as he says he comes after you and i don't want that either. Lou i am scared" i say with a very shaky voice.

"Take a shower first" he says. I take the shower and then get out. Okay i feel a bit better but not very much. That is okay. I go to my room and liam is studying. "Niall do you understand spanish?" I nod and to be honest i need to give him a chance. I help him

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