7. Sierra

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Zayns pov

We go back to class and sit down. "Mr horan can you come back after school?" Our teacher asks. "He can't! We have family meeting" i safe him. It is true tho.

We don't know why yet. "I don't care. He is staying after school!" The teacher says. "I do! He is our brother and needs to come" i say.

"I said he has detention. Say one more word Mr Malik and you got detention too" "word" i say with a smirk. "Fine detention for you too anyone else?" Harry and liam do the exact same as i do.

"We are calling your parents" i look at niall and shake my head. "We miss don't have parents. We have rose and Victor. They're not our parents but atleast they chose us" niall says.

"I will call them Niall!" Our teacher says. "Don't care! Never did" the bell rings and we all run out. The teacher drags us back in the class room. All of us.

"Niall you behavior is really bad these past month. You drag your friends in to it. Liam is new here and first day and he has detention" the teacher says. "People get bullied here, they get suicidal and then kill themselves" niall says and we know he is right. "It's your fault miss. It's your fault he committed suicide that day"

Niall walks out and so do we. We go to the car and Hailey sits next to me. "I need to do a project about my hero. I just got 1 problem" she says. "What is it?" I ask. "Well i live in a house full of hero's so i can't decide which one" she says and i smile. "Well you can do about all of them?" I suggest. "But i can't do all interviews. I can't do Nicks" i smile.

"Well, no. But niall can help you with that or you tell them what you know about Nick" i say. "I guess" we get home and all sit down. "So we gathered here for a family meeting cus we want someone Hailey her age. Her name is Sierra and her parents died" rose says. Hailey gets very excited. "YAY! When do we get her?" She asks jumping around.

"We can pick her up now. Louis can you make dinner ready?" Louis nods and they leave. Louis grabs the phone and calls pizza and orders.

"What pizza would the others want?" He asks me. I am drawing again like always. "Just order some with meat and Victor eats it, rose would want a pepperoni and new girl maybe margherita everyone loves that"

Liams pov

That name... it sounds so formulary. Sierra? It is on the tip of my tongue. Louis ordered pizza but niall refused to get a pizza. We are in our room making our home work when Hailey walks in.

"Niall i know you don't like to talk about Nick but i have to do a presentation about my hero's and i am doing it about all of you. I want nick in it too" Niall smiles at her and they get on Nialls bed.

He tells stories about nick and the door opens and we go downstairs. Thats my sister. "Sierra?" I ask and she jumps in my arms. She cries her eyes out and i cry too. Just for joy. I missed this little one.

"You know her?" Niall asks grabbing a slice of pizza from Hailey. Yes we already prayed and yes i did it too. "Thats my pizza!" Hailey says. "You never eat your whole pizza and neither do i" niall says and we all give him a point.

"Uh yeah she's my sister" i say. She didn't let go of me. "Great! Another you" niall stands up and just leaves. I am so done with him.

I go to him. "What the hell is your problem with me?" I ask a bit annoyed. "Don't pretend that you'll stay Liam! We all know you're planning on leaving. Thats what you do right? You left your sister and you left other foster homes. Don't pretend you'll stay here" he says.

"I would never leave my sister!" I tell him now angry. "No? Then why were you here? Give me 1 good reason!" He yells at me. "My parents kicked me out! I told you that!" I yell at him. "Why? Cus you walked away a lot?" He asks. "That's not your business!" I tell him more angry. "And the drawing isn't yours but you kept it anyway!" He tells me. That is what this is about? He is mad at me for keeping the drawing.

"I didn't know you would want it" i say a bit softer. "Maybe ask next time! I never asked you to come here! We were okay! We didn't have to worry at night for someone walking away cus i know you do that Liam!" He tells me mad and sad. "How?" I ask. "Cus i don't sleep" he says walking away.

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