8. ashamed

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Next day at breakfast
Nialls pov

We pray and Liam left the house again. It's Saturday so no school! "Can we go to a party tonight?" Louis asks. "Do you drag Niall with you?" Victor asks. "Does that mean i can go?" Louis asks. "Only if you take Niall with you" rose says. "What do i get for return?" I ask.

"A great night! Come on!" I nod. I don't like partying or people. I play with my breakfast cus i am just not hungry. "I can't. I have to do something" i say a bit sad. I have to make a drug deal for my father. "Just let Lou go. I'll try another time" i say. I push away my food and lay my head on the table and just watch.

"What are you doing?" I look at them. "I'm going to Ash. I probably sleep there" i say. "Okay have fun than" why i choose Ash is cus he and connor lie for me but ash came out my mouth first.

"Okay have fun sweetie" rose says and i nod. I have to stay the night with my father. I just don't want to cus everytime i am there he rapes and abuses me. I know it will happen again tonight.

"I will!" I say. I grab my stuff and when i am about to leave Liam stops me. "Why do you lie to them?" He asks. "Non ya business" i tell him. "Can we start over?" He asks. I need to go before he kills me! "I'm niall nice to meet ya but i got to go" i say. I see him smile and i walk to the front door when louis stops me.

"Have fun" he says with a smile. I nod and finally i am able to walk out. I walk to his house and get in. He hits the back of my head cus again i am late.

"Can't you look at the time?!" He asks angry. I feel panic everywhere but i am not showing him that. "Everyone home stopped me and breakfast was later then usually" i say. He kicks my back and i walk to my room. Yes i got my own room here.

One of his workers walk in and smiles at me. His name is Greg and he is my other brother. Louis knows we have a brother but he disappeared when dad left.

Someone walks in and no! It definitely can't be! Na ah! Never in a million years it is him! "Uh Niall meet Nick. We saved him" Greg says. "Yeah no we know each other" he says ashamed. "You're ashamed of me right now?!" I ask him mad. I am angry! I'm angry with him and i am angry with everyone who works here.

"N-no i didn't mean it like that but its just. Well i died in front of you and they saved me in the hospital. Well they stole me and then saved me" he says. I hit him hard just to know it isn't some kind of joke! Or worse a ghost.

"That kinda hurts" he says. "You have hurt me a lot worse! I am not talking to you anymore! Also we are done" i tell him.

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