2. zayn won't let me

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Next day
Nialls pov

I am ready for school. I got changed and now i am downstairs. I have all homework and Louis walks with me to his car. Yes he can drive and has his own car. He worked really hard for it tho.

Rosa and Victor payed half off it. It is really cool. "Can uh i drive with you? Zayn won't let me" that does sound like Zayn yeah.

"Harry is coming too and nerdy Niall too!" I throw a pillow at Louis head. "You're a big asshole Louis!" I tell him. "Thank you very much. Did you eat already?" He asks and i nod.

I didn't eat yet. I don't really care to be honest. "Fine but i don't believe you nerd" louis says. I roll my eyes and harry takes 45 minutes to come down. "Were you jerking yourself off or something?" Louis asks. "No but my hair didn't really wanna work with me" he says.

We get in and Harry can sit next to louis so i am in the back with Liam. "So newbie is this your first day at this school?" Harry asks. "Yeah" liam answers. "What class are you gonna be in?" Harry asks.

Cus i am so smart i am in the same class as Harry and zayn. I also have the same break as them which isn't the best cus they keep an eye on me.

"Well i am in the 11th grade" he says. "So are Niall, harry and zayn. I am in 12th so senior. Hailey is still in kindergarten but same school. You have same break as niall harry and zayn" louis explains. "Okay" liam says.

We get in school and someone pushes me against my locker. No one is around me so they don't know. One of the football players comes to me. "You got it?" He asks and i nod. He gives me money and i give him his homework. He walks away. Guess what? I am a 100 bucks richer again.

Why 100 you wonder? Well i ask 10 a page and he had 10 pages of homework. 10x10 is 100. Zayn, harry and Liam walk to me. "How much did you make this time?" Harry asks. "A 100. If i continue like this i can buy a vacation for us" i say.

"Keep on dreaming Nialler!" Zayn says. I already made 2000 this 6 months. I save it for uni cus it is very very expensive. "It is true" i say. We get to class and sit down.

"Looks it's the people who don't have a real family" one of the kids say. I just ignore it.

I sit down and Liam introduces himself. "Niall he can sit with you right?" The teacher asks and i just nod. "He can sit with me too sir" Olivia says. She is a real drama queen. Last weeks she felt and pretended to have her legs broke for a week untill one of her friends found out she could walk. She said she prayed but i don't believe her.

Everyone else did obviously. "No thanks i rather sit with someone i already know" Liam says. I just start working.

At break
Nialls pov

We sit down and if i now eat i can throw up later. Okay i can do that! I start to eat carefully and when i ate the half of it and mostly only the healthy things the others look proud at me. "I am going to the bathroom" i say and thet nod.

Liams pov

That is a bit suspicious. He struggles eating and now he ate and has to go to the bathroom. I follow him and he throws up. I can hear him. I feel bad for him.

Why would he do that? What if he is gonna kill himself? He comes out the bathroom totally pale. He goes more pale when he sees me.

"So you stare and you stalk now?" He asks a bit annoyed. "I just thought it was sus. You struggle eating and when you do you go to the bathroom. You just make yourself throw up" i say. He slaps me hard. "I don't. Mind your own business" he says angry.

He walks to the others and someone makes Niall trip. He just let it go. We sit down and the lads look at us. "What's wrong?" Zayn asks. "Nothing" Niall says a bit angry. "He made himself throw up" i say.

Niall looks even more angry at me and punches me. Straight in the face.

Harrys pov

That is a new one. Zayn grabs Niall cus i can't and i grab Liam. "What the hell Niall?" Zayn says confused but also worried. "He has to mind his own fucking business. If you don't let go now i will punch you too"

Zayn lets go of Niall. Niall walks away and we turn to Liam. "We know he does that but non of can tell him to stop. Even not louis so you really have to stop minding him before he kills you" i say.

"He never punched someone Haz. He never would do that. It isn't just him minding his business but maybe something else too" zayn says. He is right. Niall doesn't do hitting that is for Louis.

"He has been acting differently lately. As in he eats way less then before and almost never leaves his room" i say. "We need to tell Louis" Zayn says and we all agree on that.

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