6. please don't tell Louis

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Next day
Nialls pov

We arrive at school and someone pushes me against my locker. "Leave him alone asshole" i hear liam saying.

The lads turn to Liam and then back at me. They punch me straight in the nose. Great! It is bleeding now. "We do whatever we want with that shit head! Leave us alone and he won't be hurt that bad. Tell us what to do again and he won't be able to walk the next day" i look down.

They raped me a couple times and no i couldn't walk anymore. Also no one knows cus if i tell people those lads are dead.

"Next time we break your leg" the lads whisper in my ear. They walk away to Liam. "I don't need your protection or help. So don't try" i say.

We walk to class and someone walks in. It is my dad who is threatening me all day and all night. He is a detective but he is a real piece of shit.

He talks about his job and i just wanna cut myself. My arm stinks and the only pain that can get that away is new cuts.

"Can i use the bathroom?" I ask the teacher. She shakes her head. "Why not?" I ask a bit annoyed. "Cus he came here to teach you about an job" "i don't wanna become a detective" i answer simply. "What do you wanna become Mr Horan?" My teacher asks. "A singer and songwriter. Did you wanna become a teacher?" I ask. "I did and i don't care. You need to be able to sing and write for your future job and those are things you can't" she says.

That's it! I walk out class and walk to the bathroom. I cut myself a couple times until someone grab my knife away.

Its Zayn with Hailey. Hailey has her break now! I forgot that. "Hailey go back okay?" Hailey nods sad and walks away. "We really can't leave you alone can we?" He asks with a weak smile. "I know i am addictive okay? Please don't tell Louis? He will kill me" Zayn nods.

"I think you can sing very good" Zayn says and i chuckle. "No i am serious! You're one of the best and then oh lets not start about your guitar skills!" He says and we laugh.

"What is the deal with that man?" He asks. "That was the person that left Lou and i when i was 4" he looks at me in shock. "Thats your dad?" He asks confused and i nod. "It gets better Z. He isn't what he says he is. He is in a gang and is threatening me. I don't do what he says and he will kill Louis" i look down and Zayn hugs me.

"Is that why you're so moody?" I nod. "And i am still mad at Nick for just leaving" i say. "Thats normal but you need to move on. I know it is hard. Believe me i know that but long as you don't you'll never find someone new" he says. "I know" i answer. He smiles and we go back to class.

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