10. hurting

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Louis pov

I go to ash. "Don't lie to me again about Niall cus i will find out anyway" I tell him. "I know but he is my best friend and i just lie for them" he says. "He could have been in danger" i say a bit angry.

"Loui, he isn't okay for a long time. He just doesn't wanna show it to any of us. Not us but not you either, the fact you don't see that Lou isn't really cool" I look at him. "I know he isn't okay, i try hard to get him to talk but i can't so if you know something please tell me" i say. I grab my stuff and leave.

Nialls pov

"I know you hate me Niall" Nick says. "Leave me alone, i am mad at you" i tell him. Dad walks to me and just kicks me in my stomach. I start to cough blood. This time it's bad, i never cough blood.

He keeps kicking me and someone tries to stop him but can't. Soon as he walks away Nick comes to me. He gives me a towel and i put it on my nose. "Did you try to get him off me?" I ask and he nods.

He has a black eye and a bleeding lip. "You okay?" i ask him. He nods and just helps me. "I know i had hurt you Niall, i know you became suicidal cus of me" he says. "Yeah you had hurt me but not just me Nick. You had hurt Hailey, Zayn, Rose, Victor, Louis and harry. We didn't talk for a week, you knew i already ate bad but it just got worse and Rose and Victor wanted me to talk to someone"

"Did you do it?" he asks me. "No i am scared they tell someone or rose and Victor. I don't want them to know i am broken or i see my dad"

"What about your friends? Luke, ash, cal, mickey, tris, con, brad and James? You see them or talk to them?" I shake my head. "Not as much as we used too" i say. "Why not?" He asks as we sit down. "Cus they have each other and i just have no one" i say honest.

"You got newbie" nick says. "Liam is an asshole" he laughs. "You said the same about me" i nod. I grab the drawing. "Nick i am still mad at you and here is the drawing. I am out" i go through the window to ashtons place.

"So you did decide to sleep here tonight?" He asks and i nod. He lets me in. "What happened? Why were you dealing?" I just wanna cry. I feel tears already coming down and he hugs me. "You'll be okay" he says.

"Sorry" i say after calming down. "You can always come to us. What happened?" He asks. I explain everything and he looks at me. "Nick is alive? And he works for your dad?" He asks and i nod. "I am so confused right now and i need a drink" he grabs a bottle of alcohol. I grab it away from him cus he had a bad past with it.

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