17. s-she

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After school
Louis pov

After school luke and ash came with us but Niall isn't home yet. "Is niall even okay? Last time i saw him he was dealing" Ash says. "A bit better. They arrested the person who made him do it so he doesn't have that stress"

We hear laughing as someone opens the door. "So next week the little mermaid?" I hear Liam asking. "I'd love that idea" niall answers.

They walk in and then they see us. "Niall is gonna sing for us!" Liam yells as he runs after Niall. "What is going on?" Luke asks me. "I have no clue. They had a date and apparently Niall is gonna play for us" i say. They come back and the girls come to us.

Now everyone is home except for victor and Rose. "Hailey I'm gonna sing!" Niall yells from the living room. She just runs towards them and we all sit down.

He starts to sing and play photograph by ed sheeran. When he is done we all clap. "Definitely X-factor material!" Liam says and Niall turns totally red.

"Well Louis, harry and zayn can sing too!" Niall then says. Now we turn red. Liam decides to take a walk.

Liams pov

I grab my jacket and stuff and walk outside. It is beautiful here but then i see Lisa and her dad. They walk to me.

Damn it! I wanna walk past them but Lisa grabs me. "Niall will pay for what he did to me. Also i heard his brother and his friends started to protest or something" she says. "Niall didn't do anything. Accept the fact he is gay Lisa" i tell her.

I see her dad looking at her a bit angry. Her dad grabs me and pulls me in an ally. It is dark here.

"I know his dad! He will pay for everything he did" her dad says. "Now if you scream or try to get away i will murder you"

Lisa starts kissing me and then goes with her hands in my pants. She undresses me and then stops. She looks at me annoyed. "Take the pill" she says with a smirk. "No" i tell her. "If not, your boyfriend is dead tomorrow" she tells me.

I take the pill and i get an hard one. Her dad walked out on us. She moans soft as she is raping me. When she is done she gets off me. "Thank you Liam it was great" she says.

She kisses me one more time. Then she finally leaves and i fall on the ground. I start crying when i hear lots of cars.

Roses pov

Victor and i are done with work and we walk past an ally. We hear someone crying and it sounds a lot like liam. I don't like it.

"Liam is that you?" I ask and he looks up and nods. Victor and i walk to him. "What happened?" Victor asks worriedly.

"S-she r-raped me" he says shaky and crying. I try to stay strong cus i can't let him know that i wanna cry and punch that bitch in the face. Sorry for my language.

We get liam in the car and drive home. "Niall can't know" liam says. "Okay but he knows something is different" i say. "He always does" victor says.

We get out the car and open the door. We see Niall running and Louis is following. Hailey and Sierra are drawing peacefully and then we have zayn and harry. Zayn is drawing with the girls and Harry is doing his nails. Nick is in his room i think. Victor grabs Louis and i grab Niall.

"Whats going on?" I ask. I see Luke and Ashton sitting with the girls. "Niall says he can't sing and now i am gonna murder him!" Louis says. "Sorry for telling the truth" niall says. "It isn't the truth" i say.

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